Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Suggestions On How To Reduce Your Discomfort Associated With ...

It is not uncommon for pregnant and new mothers to develop hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids appear when too much pressure is applied on the veins around the rectum. Tons of people experience hemorrhoids, but many do not discuss them. Read this article to get a better understanding of this condition and learn to avoid it.

If you suffer from the discomforts that hemorrhoids cause, you may be able to find some relief. Try a warm sitz bath for 10 to 15 minutes, a few times during the day. Use a cold compress on the affected area, too.

Scratching your hemorrhoids is something you cannot ever do. Of all the hemorrhoid symptoms, the most irritating may be the constant itching. The relief of scratching won?t last long, and the irritation you will cause may slow down the process of healing. Instead, individuals with hemorrhoids need to find other treatments that can help, and they should stop scratching immediately.

You don?t necessarily need those expensive hemorrhoid treatments and medications, because there may be some natural remedies you could try. Soaking in a warm tub for 15 minutes following a bowel movement can help to relax the area. Hemorrhoids can itch like crazy, but it?s important not to scratch since this will just make things worse. If you need some relief, soak cotton pads in witch hazel and place them on the hemorrhoids. Eat tons of food with fiber, and make sure you drink at least eight cups of water each day. This helps to maintain soft, regular bowel movements.

Use a cream made for hemorrhoids; just don?t use it too often. What creams do is minimize the pain by numbing the area. The don?t actually help with the swelling or irritation associated with the condition. If you?ll be using a cream like this for longer than one week, talk it over with your physician. Applying them too much can cause extra pain, particularly if applied more often than is allowed.

Anus exercises can help prevent hemorrhoids. If the muscles of your sphincter are not strong enough, the area might not receive proper circulation. In turn, this can lead to hemorrhoids. Flex your sphincter muscles, holding them for about five seconds and releasing. Do this for five minutes every three or four hours.

Alternating ice and heat is a good way to treat hemorrhoids at home. This one-two punch of ice and heat reduces the size of the hemorrhoid and speeds the healing process. The ice should be applied to the affected area for at least 10 minutes each day, followed by warm, moist heat for 20 minutes.

Drinking an adequate amount of water has been known to prevent hemorrhoids and can help existing ones heal faster. Water is key in digestion, leading to easy to pass bowel movements. If you are having difficulty passing hard stools, you may be more susceptible to developing or worsening hemorrhoids. If you consume a full eight glasses of drinking water per day, you will notice softer stools and less frequent hemorrhoids.

The first paragraph of this article noted that both expectant and new mothers are at increased risk for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by is pressure that is increased in your anus, so try to relieve this pressure as much as possible. If you apply what you?ve read here and create a prevention strategy, or treatment plan if you already suffer from hemorrhoids, you?ll find that you?re less likely to develop this condition or are better equipped to treat it.

Get information about hemorrhoids sufferers.


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