Saturday, December 22, 2012

How Can I Help You? A Look At Social Media In Customer Service ...

Nowadays, with social media being so prevalent, it?s obvious businesses are going to start turning to social sites to provide better customer service. About 47% of social media users ?actively seek? customer service through social media and 30% say they prefer that method to the traditional phone call. By the end of 2012, 80% of companies plan to use social media for customer service. Customers who have engaged with companies via social media spend 20 ? 40% more money with those companies. Also, when receiving positive customer service through social media, 71% of consumers recommend the brand.

Customer service through social media is gradually increasing, and customers are already used social media for customer service issues. Last year, 32% of Americans said that social networks influenced their buying decision; however, this year we have seen a major increase with 64% of Americans using social network to influence their buying. Facebook is a huge social site and 47% of respondents said that this is where their greatest purchasing impact stems from. Also, nearly 1/3 turn to branded social pages on Facebook to ask product questions as well.

There are different industries for customer service that use social media. Some of these industries include health insurance, cable/telco, retail, and utilities. There are 76% of respondents who went online looking for information on health insurers this past year and 21% of those say that their social media friend?s comments influenced their opinion about health insurance. In 2010, Time Warner launched @comcastcares and now has more than 45,000 followers and a team of more than half a dozen staffers. This Twitter handle has become the gold standard in online customer support. Also, by the end of 2017, more than 624 million utility customers worldwide will use some form of social media to engage with their electricity providers.

Poor customer service results in a loss of sales. Of those surveyed, 800 out of 1,000 said they did not make a purchase because of poor customer service. So, whether you?re running a business or purchasing from a company, be sure to incorporate good customer service with your social media- it could mean big sales.

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