Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kindle Book Store easiest to use e-bookshop

Do you know about copyright-free e-books sites? graph of japanese reported on a survey by goo Research into electronic book purchasing sites, although the column chose to highlight free e-book sites.


Between the 5th and 10th of April 2013 1,076 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionniare. 53.2% of the sample were male, 16.5% in their teens, 18.2% in their twenties, 21.7% in their thirties, 16.1% in their forties, 15.7% in their fifties, and 11.8% aged sixty or older.

A long time ago I downloaded and read two books from Aozora, and I?ve also recently downloaded a couple from Google Books, but I am yet to read them.

Research results

Q1: Have you ever purchased an electronic book? (Sample size=1,076)

Yes (to SQ) 16.1%
No 83.9%

When asked for what purposes they had bought the books, 88.4% said for pleasure (hobby-related or just for the pleasure of reading), 22.5% said for study purposed, and 13.9% for work.

When asked on what devices they had purchased, 44.5% has used a PC-type computer, 27.2% an Android smartphone, 23.7% an iPhone, 17.5% an iPad, 10.4% a dedicated electronic book reader, and 9.2% an Android tablet.

When asked where they had purchased from, 32.9% said the Amazon Kindle Store, 23.7% iBook Store, 13.9% Rakuten Kobo, Electronic Book Store Papyless 13.3%, and so on.

Q1SQ: Which sites are easy to use? (Sample size=173, multiple answer)

Amazon Kindle Store 28.9%
iBook Store 20.8%
Electronic Book Store Papyless 11.0%
Rakuten Kobo 9.2%
honto Electronic Book Store 6.9%
Yahoo! Book Store 5.2%
Book Live 4.6%
Book Web 2.9%
Fujisan 1.2%
OCNeBooks 0.6%
Other 19.7%

Q2: Do you know there are sites where you can download copyright-free electronic books for free? (Sample size=1,076)

Yes, and have used them (to SQ) 10.0%
Yes, but haven?t used them 16.4%
No 73.5%

Q2SQ: Which of the following free book sites have you used? (Sample size=108, multiple answer)

Read more on: ebook,goo research



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