Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kudo Metrics Discover why it's a Found diamond for Old and new ...

Are you presently trying to find a great internet marketing company, which has the ability to teach you everything you need to find out about showing priority for the marketing efforts to have the ability to build great ranking online?

If yes, then you have arrived at the best virtual location. As you might know already, building brand awareness takes much more than applying some obsolete SEO strategies.

Building brand awareness is all about knowing how to manage pay-per-click campaigns, apply the latest SEO methods, use the power of social media marketing, adopt the best website design techniques, and many others.

But, you should not despair if you do not learn how to do every one of these. That is because Kudo Metrics will be here that may help you.

The corporation online are capable of doing all the aforementioned things instead of you. Really the only factors you must do to have the ability to fulfil the reps from the great customers are to visit its official website and request to have an appointment.

One of its agents will contact you as soon as possible. Obviously, being guided by a professional in SEO, online marketing, or web design is auspicious for you especially because this is the only way to find out the secrets behind the success of an online business.

Thus, if the success of your online business represents your goal, approaching Kudo Metrics is the best decision that you can make since it has the excellent Internet marketing Services are you going to get? Well, this is simple.

Kudo Metrics offers the best service with regard to Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design and Development, Pay-per-Click Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing.

Its services are chanceless. Nobody can appear to become fault once they offering their utmost services having its excellent features.

While comparing with other online business Kudo Metrics is well known Internet Marketing Company for providing the features like PPC campaign, Web hosting, SEO, SMO, Content writing and some more. Its greatest quality is it takes full effort to deliver its best.

Source: http://www.4mpu.com/blog/kudo-metrics-discover-why-its-a-found-diamond-for-old-and-new-companies/

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BP results show strain of Russia, U.S. spill

LONDON (Reuters) - BP Plc delivered the worst of a poor set of quarterly results among top oil companies on Tuesday, slashing $5 billion off the value of U.S. assets and undershooting expectations with its operating result.

The British oil company is struggling under the weight of litigation over the 2010 U.S. Gulf oil spill and a row with its Russian partners. Analyst Richard Griffiths of Oriel Securities said the figures were "testing the faith" of investors and on a divisional basis "missed at every level".

BP shares were down 3.1 percent at 430.7 pence at 0730 GMT.

The $5 billion charge included $2.7 billion for the declining value of U.S. refineries and $2.1 billion for U.S. shale gas assets which are suffering a slump in prices, and for the suspension of its Liberty project in Alaska.

The shale gas and refinery writedowns do not come as much of a surprise. Other companies have being doing the same.

But BP also took an extra $847 million provision for the 2010 U.S. Gulf oil spill - bringing the total set aside for the disaster to $38 billion or well over two years worth of profits at current prices. Investors are hoping for a deal with U.S. authorities before the U.S. elections, but BP warned there was still "significant uncertainty" with regard to its potential obligations there.

BP had nothing new to say about its dispute with the co-owners of TNK-BP, who on Monday blocked the payment of dividends from the business.

The charge tipped BP into a loss for the quarter of $1.4 billion.

Adjusted for the charge and other one-offs, profits on a replacement cost basis were $3.7 billion, down from $5.7 billion a year ago and below expectations of around $4.4 billion.

Analysts said an unexpectedly large loss of output as a result of maintenance in the U.S. Gulf - a problem which also hit rival Royal Dutch/Shell in the quarter - was partly to blame for the miss.

They had also underestimated the impact of a tax lag on Russian production, which affected the profits of BP's Russian joint venture, TNK-BP. Tariffs there are based on the previous quarter's profits, when oil prices were higher.

The company said it still sees a "significant uncertainty" over U.S. oil spill obligations but that it was in "advanced talks" and on track to sell Texas City and Carson, the two U.S. refineries it has earmarked for disposal, by the end of 2012.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bp-takes-5-billion-second-quarter-charge-shale-064317820--finance.html

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Strong Guidance When Attempting To Stop Smoking cigarettes ?

Giving up smoking is merely hard in the event you allow it be. It?ll be simpler to cease while you discover more about where to start. Any person must be able to give up smoking once they take advantage of the details presented in the following article.

Intend on stopping thrice. On the first day, try to cease chilly poultry. The truth is, lower than 1 in 20 individuals are able to use this method successfully. The 2nd cease date you place should be for slicing back steadily. If it will not job, carry on! Schedule an appointment with your medical professional to go about doctor prescribed possibilities and see about enrolling in a local assistance class.

As opposed to investing in smoking, create an existence commitment to physical exercise. As you eliminate toxins, your body will prize you with a lot more electricity. Once you see the benefits of giving up cigarettes and you also start to stay more healthy, you will certainly be more inspired not to come back to smoking and drop everything you have obtained.

Rather than cigarette smoking, replacement the habit with wholesome exercising. While the body fixes and cures the damage due to many years of smoking cigarettes, you?ll begin to observe that one could convey more full of energy, efficient workouts. Your exercise program can help make you a lot less willing to experience a smoke because you?ll get rid of your progress towards physical fitness.

Think about the good reasons that you wish to giving up smoking. Publish them downward whilst keeping them useful inside your wallet or wallet. Read through your listing when investing in the desire to light up.

If you want to steer clear of any weight gain that you may have that is certainly associated with stopping smoking, attempt eating vegetables and fruit. This can avoid the likelihood of excess weight which is so frequent for people who?ve lately cast aside tobacco cigarettes. Take into account that giving up will make you hungry, so you may as well give on your own one thing wholesome.

When you choose to quit smoking, expect it to impact you psychologically. You could possibly experience intensive yearnings and possess issues fighting off this urge. Trying to keep a log aids document your day-to-day circumstance and yearnings, and helps you discover how to surpass them.

If you feel that your self-control is diminishing and this you?re influenced to take a tobacco cigarette, request somebody for help. Explain your emotions to somebody who has been by means of it and they also can help you overcome the difficult patches. Enough time you are taking to produce the phone call are able to offer a distraction, and it?s another fantastic motivator realizing you possess a person you could confide and have confidence in in.

Should you be attempting to quit smoking, make it a point you have plenty of relax. Many individuals learn that keeping evening time contributes to increased cigarette desires. Past due nights are usually a time when nobody is all around, and it makes it much simpler being lured to smoke. When you get the others you need, it really is simpler to concentrate on your persistence for end and refrain from the urge to provide directly into cravings.

It is important to method your vacation by concentrating on a single day at a time. Giving up isn?t a binary issue it evolves across a long period of time. Handle things step by step to optimize the chance for fulfillment. Do not spend time stressing about the future focus on steering clear of cigarettes 1 day at one time.

Annoy the people who take the time you constantly about quitting smoking. Tend not to kick your practice for a person more undertake it for yourself. If someone nags you concerning your smoking cigarettes, don?t grab another vice to spite them. If you like maintaining them inside their location as well as your new vice, you could possibly even realise you are failing to remember that you?re giving up.

After reading this post, you should feel happier about what you can do to stop smoking. Ensure you also distribute your new discovered understanding with other cigarette smokers, who want to cease, to enable them to succeed too.

There is more information available on quit smoking advice head over to Clemmie B. Krystofiak?s site there is loads of information not covered in this post, go to Author?s web blog to uncover more.

Source: http://all-articles-directory.com/strong-guidance-when-attempting-to-stop-smoking-cigarettes/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Business is War HR, Recruiting, Social Media Policies, Human ...


An Office Move & New Furniture


Office moves are rarely the joyous occasions we expect. It typically takes longer than anticipated with delivery delays, more difficult cubicle assembly than desired, with sawdust and dirt piling up everywhere. ?The furniture never matches the showroom look or feel and catalogs fail to ?show? the truth.

My company went through an office move not too long ago. ?Of course, we were excited but the ?move?
reality didn?t quite live up to the imagination and glorious expectation.

Welcome to real life.

Planning, Preparing, Predicting all lead to something. These three actions build to a plateau that either works (good execution) or doesn?t work (poor execution). ?I have moved offices and home often enough to confirm my stance on preparation. ?It doesn?t matter how much you plan or prepare, if you fail to implement, it is?all for naught.

Execution is putting a plan into action by applying power to accomplish the mission and using situational understanding to assess progress and make execution and adjustment decisions.?

Translating decisions into actions.

It all sounds very Sun Tzu, doesn?t it? The Art of War has been applied to business for years and the truth is, Business is War. The war to win clients/customers. The battle to stay at the top of your game. The hostilities that competition brings out and ultimately defines the true warrior. The inner struggle to change the way you do things when the old ways no longer work. The Art of War in action,?indeed.

Three Points defined in the information I learned -?use them how you will and so will I

? Seize and retain the initiative.
? Build and maintain momentum.
? Exploit success.

Each of these three can be specifically applied to your work day and if carried out will lead to further success.
~It isn?t enough?to name a course of action.
~It isn?t enough?to plan that course of action.

Only when you Execute and Carry Out the Plan/Action?will there be a success to exploit and share with others. Dominance in any field comes only through the following steps; whether you provide a service or build a product,?plan and follow through.?

1. Develop a course of action.
2. Refine and validate the course of action
3. Implement.

Pretty simple. ?Difficulties arrive when we ignore the simplicity?



photo credit?


Bonus Track!Rayanne Thorn,?@ray_anne?is the Marketing Director for online recruiting software company, Broadbean Technology.? She is also a proud?mother of four,?happily engaged to Tom, residing in Laguna Beach, California, and a daily contributor for Blogging4Jobs. ?Connect with her on?LinkedIn.??




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Source: http://www.blogging4jobs.com/business/usiness-is-war/

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ShuBee Business Tips ? Blog Archive ? Top of the Mind Awareness ...

Alan Cline
President and CEO 1-800-PLUMBING INC.
Contributing Writer

Everybody wants to get more business NOW and many of the contractors I speak with mention the need to get the phone ringing.? I understand that is very important, however, it is also important to look at long-term strategies so that customers will remember your company the next time they need your service and / or when they are asked for a referral from one of their friends, neighbors or relatives.

A solid long-term strategy is important, so your customers will be able to find you or think of your company first when they need services months or years after the initial visit.? The industry term is ?Top of Mind Awareness? or (Toma) for short.? But what is really meant by ?Top of Mind?? Certainly, it is not the literal sense an area in the mind where the top ?stuff? is stored.? But it is like a mental anchor that connects thoughts to things, situations, memories, etc.?? Just for an example, do you have a particular song that whenever you hear it, it brings you back instantly to an event in your life.? It could be 30, 40, or more years than you wish to admit, but that song just brings you back to that event and it always will.

Well that should be the goal with your business.?? When someone thinks about needing whatever service you provide, you want him or her to think of your company.?? This is not an easy task and it should be part of an on-going plan in your business.?? Branding is the path that will lead to TOMA and branding takes time.? To effectively brand your company you need an identity.? An identity is created through consistent and repetitive use of logos, jingles, videos, etc.? Over time your customers hear it, see it, and eventually their brain gets programmed to think of your company first whenever they need service.? You know you have succeeded when a customer says something like, ?your jingle is driving me crazy, I can?t get it out of my mind?? I guess it is kind of like brainwashing, but without any negative effects.

Some of the tools that I think are very important in effective branding include:? effective use of voice mail, message on hold, professionally designed logo and graphics, audio and video on website, blogging, monthly newsletter (email or printed), etc.? A great start to a branding campaign can be to join your local chamber of commerce and hand out magnets or pens.? Get to know some local people and you will start to exchange leads.? There are many local networking groups that are free or very inexpensive to join and part of your marketing campaign should be to get known as the local expert in your trade.? One of my customers told me that they look at each person in a local networking group as a member of their sales force.

One of the tools that most people don?t use are greeting cards.?? Think about this;? If you are providing a service that generally fixes things, then many of your customer? s may not be very happy with an unexpected repair bill.?? You don?t want them thinking of you just when they are upset, as that is not a good anchor.? How about sending each customer a birthday card??? All you have to do is get the day and month when you provide the service and now when they get a card from their plumber, carpenter, exterminator, etc?? they will tell all their friends?? because hardly any service people send a birthday card and I am not talking about an e-card.? I mean a real physical card that you mail.? There are ways to do this very conveniently and cost effectively.? I use this strategy and I know that when someone gets a greeting card they usually hold onto it!

There are many innovative techniques that help build ?TOMA?, but it takes a major commitment and time to build it up!? Building top of mind awareness is a long-term strategy that is well worth the wait and it can help your business move ahead of the competition.?? With an effective strategy to build ?TOMA?, you won?t have any competition because your customers will keep coming back to you and they won?t even try to look for another service provider!

Alan Cline is the President/CEO of 1-800-PLUMBING INC. For more information on Alan and his company visit: www.800plumbing.com.




Source: http://www.shubeebusinesstips.com/2012/07/top-of-the-mind-awareness/

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

CSN: Dodgers-Giants pennant race really on now

? ? ?

SAN FRANCISCO -- Sometimes there?s no reason to dress up a beating. Sometimes there?s really nothing much to say.

Thus it was with a spirit of blindest optimism that Bruce Bochy entered the interview room Saturday and heard no questions.

?I agree,? he said. ?Not much to say.?

Then someone had to ruin his mood and ask something. Like any answer matters when you get 10-loved by the Dodgers in front of the home customers.

[RECAP: Baggs' Instant Replay -- Dodgers 10, Giants 0]

Of course, they probably had this coming after shutting the Dodgers out for an entire home stand a month ago. That isn?t supposed to happen in big-kids ball, either.

But now it is clear that we have a chance for the pennant race we would all pay big cash to see -- the one with no participation medal. Just death or glory. As it should be.

Returning to the moment, though, those Dodgers were running on fumes. These are running on a rebuilt engine. Matt Kemp is back. So is Mark Ellis, and Hanley Ramirez has been rescued from the arsonist?s flames in Miami. And they may not be done trading futures for presents, either.

In other words, the race that has been on and off is on again. And it helps the Dodgers that they are cresting again as the Giants are flattening out.

They are without Pablo Sandoval, disabled after his hamstring decided to roll up his leg like one of those old cartoon window shades. They just picked up Marco Scutaro to take his spot and become the third baseman until such time as he can become the utility fill-in. There are three days . . . well, less than that, even . . . until the trade deadline. The Giants? essential depth issues are rising yet again.

And they have 62 games to go. In other words, the race really is on now.

As with all trams not already dead, buried and issuing up its belongings to the highest bidder, the Giants are going to have these patches of rancidity. Chad Billingsley, who spent most of the season trying to relocate his essential Billingsley-tude, smothered the Giants on four hits, driving their at-bats into ground balls and limiting their few scoring chances ? leadoff doubles by Buster Posey and Angel Pagan, and a bases-loaded situation in the ninth ? to exactly what they got in their last weekend here.


And now the intermittent euphoria of late June and early July has settled again, because that is the nature of most pennant races. Two teams who need full participation to play well have exchanged injuries, and the Dodgers and Giants of a month ago have swapped positions.

In other words, even if Clayton Kershaw stomps on Ryan Vogelsong as he has Tim Lincecum in the past and the Dodgers sweep the Giants, all that will do is tell the audience what it already suspected. That these two teams will most likely be unable to separate from each other until the final week, perhaps even the final series.

Three games in Los Angeles, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 1, 2 and 3. And the only way it could be grander is if the two wild card spots had already been nailed down by, say, Pittsburgh and Atlanta. That way, there would be no consolation prize, no fallback position, no side door out of ignominy. If we get what we want (as opposed to what we deserve), the series would be for death or glory, the way the creator intended.

I mean, if the creator is on the job the way he or she should be. The creator isn?t a wild card fan, you see. Likes expanded replay, but not the wild card.

Tags: mlb, san francisco giants, Los Angeles Dodgers, Ray Ratto

Source: http://www.csnbayarea.com/baseball-san-francisco-giants/giants-talk/Giants-Dodgers-pennant-race-is-really-on?blockID=747883&feedID=2796

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Take A Look At These Practical Interior Design Tips

The way you place your furniture and the colors in your home both play a major role in interior design. This article contains a number of terrific interior design ideas. Go through every tip here and explore further the ones you feel will work best for you and your home.

Try to avoid following trends when designing for the present season. If you stick with a trend, you run the risk of it looking outdated. Stick with tried and true design fundamentals which will last forever.

If you have children who do artwork in school, avoid sticking them on the refrigerator. Your fridge can seem cluttered if you do this all the time. Instead, purchase inexpensive document frames and make him pick the type of artwork to frame. Change the pictures for new ones, occasionally. This is a more attractive way your child can display his artwork, and he will feel a sense of pride at seeing his artwork framed.

Select a coffee table that is a little out of the ordinary. Forget the traditional rectangular table and use old luggage, a chest or anything else that works. Flea markets and antique stores are very beneficial, as they can have different components that fit your theme.

Lighting is an essential part of every room. It creates a mood. Brightening up a room, especially a kitchen or bathroom, is best when bright lights are used. However, bright light can be too harsh for rooms that are designed for subtle mood and relaxation. Instead, install dimmer lights in bedrooms and in the living room to give it an entirely different mood.

You can use this tip with children as well. Get some cheap, but attractive frames to hang on the wall. Then, try to paint your very own pictures in the wall space located inside the frame. If you are great at painting or drawing, you could make masterpieces without spending too much money on expensive artwork.

Before beginning any interior decorating project you should have an idea of the amount time you plan on spending in this home. If you plan to sell your home in less than 5 years, it is a smart idea to keep your design neutral. Although you may think some additions you want to make are good, sometimes you have to realize that they aren?t.

Discuss a budget prior to starting any project. If you do not maintain the finances for your new design, you will hit a lot of road blocks. This will lessen the anxiety and stress while designing.

If you are looking to design your home to match your personal style, do it yourself. This should not mean other people?s opinions do not count, it should just mean that whatever opinions are offered should be in relation to look that you are going for. The outcome is much more satisfying when you have an active role in the design process.

If you wish to learn about design, then watching shows on TV are a good way to start. There are many great TV shows that can give you the updates on trends and styles. Plus, they?ll give you an idea on the budget you?ll need.

If you have an old-fashioned vacation house, utilize simple, rustic decor in your dining room and kitchen. The look and feel of unfinished pine or cedar will complement the cabin; use it to customize a table, chair or bunk bed. You could also cut out foam rubber slabs in order to fit your bunks. In addition, consider adding sleeping bags for the bedding.

If you want a cost-effective way to add life to a room, make unique planters for your fresh or artificial plants by decorating and painting clay pots. Kids can even decorate their own and use them to hold items in their rooms, such as toys, stuffed animals and other collectible items.

Remember that a lot of people will be coming in and out of your living and possibly dining room when you want to add in new furniture. You need to have enough room in order for furniture to fit and so that people can walk around comfortably. Avoid traffic jams by allowing enough space for people to pass.

A mood is the first thing you should pick in a plan. Because of this, you need to think about a mood you want to convey when selecting the items that are going to be in your rooms. For instance, if you?re trying to create a tranquil atmosphere, choose colors that are soft and warm.

Now you have some tips to help you achieve your own interior design goals. There is no good reason for the decor in your home to be a disappointment to you now that you know these great tips that make redecorating easy. Now is a good time to get started with making some updates in your home

Source: http://groundfl.com/interior-design-2/take-a-look-at-these-practical-interior-design-tips.html

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PEER 1 Hosting's ?Team 2012? Keeps London Businesses Online ...

PEER 1 Hosting is uniquely positioned to help organisations doing online business in London during the summer events. With a wholly owned and managed 10Gbps FastFiber Network?, Portsmouth Data Centre, High Availability and Disaster Recovery Services and Content Distribution Network (CDN) are designed and managed to deliver uptime and reliability at all times.

PEER 1 Hosting, the global online web hosting provider, has announced today the launch of its own ?Team 2012? to offer assistance to businesses needing to stay online during the events taking place in London this summer. The move is in direct response to Government warnings to London businesses about disruption they may encounter as a result of events taking place in the capital.

In its booklet, ?Preparing your business for the Games?, LOCOG warns:
?In developing your business continuity plan for the Games you will need to ensure that any increase in homeworking is supported by appropriate IT, and that internal systems and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been engaged in the planning process so that the demands on the system can be understood and managed.
It is possible that internet services may be slower during the Games or in very severe cases there may be drop outs due to an increased number of people accessing the internet.?
Dominic Monkhouse, MD of PEER 1 Hosting UK said: ?For many businesses, the events in London this Summer bring the potential of increased business whilst also presenting potential of increased complexity. We have had a number of enquiries from businesses based in and around London and the South, who are dependent on the internet, whether it?s for back office SaaS applications, ecommerce sites, customer service portals, virtual training or anything in between, who want to make sure their business benefits rather than suffers from the increased activity on the capital.

PEER 1 Hosting is uniquely positioned to help organisations doing online business in London during the summer events. Our wholly owned and managed 10Gbps FastFiber Network?, Portsmouth Data Centre, High Availability and Disaster Recovery Services and Content Distribution Network (CDN) are designed and managed to deliver uptime and reliability at all times. And because they circumvent the network quagmire that will be London during June and July, businesses that need to be online nonstop can stay online nonstop.?

PEER 1?s Team 2012, has its own phone line: +44 (0) 2380 926 309 and email address: team2012@peer1hosting.co.uk which enables business leaders concerned with uptime during this summer to discuss concerns and potential solutions with dedicated experts. The company has also created a specific web page with infographics to support businesses that want to learn more about how their business may be affected. In addition, flexible contracts are in place to support businesses specifically during this time.

Source: http://www.ehostinfo.com/news/2012/07/28/peer-1-hostings-team-2012-keeps-london-businesses-online-during-summer-events/

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Vollmer sets 2nd world record of London Games

United States' Dana Vollmer celebrates her gold medal win in the women's 100-meter butterfly swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Sunday, July 29, 2012.(AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

United States' Dana Vollmer celebrates her gold medal win in the women's 100-meter butterfly swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Sunday, July 29, 2012.(AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

United States' Dana Vollmer, right, and Australia's Alicia Coutts react to Vollmer's gold medal win in the women's 100-meter butterfly swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Sunday, July 29, 2012.(AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

United States' Dana Vollmer reacts to her gold medal win in the he women's 100-meter butterfly swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza)

United States' Dana Vollmer embraces United States' Claire Donahue after Vollmer's gold medal win in the he women's 100-meter butterfly swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza)

United States' Dana Vollmer, foreground, reacts to her gold medal win as Australia's Alicia Coutts , center, with Sweden's Sarah Sjostrom after the women's 100-meter butterfly swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza)

LONDON (AP) ? Dana Vollmer won a gold medal at the Olympics and set a world record, too.

Not bad for someone who didn't even qualify four years ago.

On a night featuring a relay duel between the Australians and the Americans, Vollmer got things started with a bang Sunday in the 100-meter butterfly. She was third at the turn but powered to the wall for a time of 55.98 seconds, beating the record of 56.06 set by Sweden's Sarah Sjostrom in a since-banned high-tech bodysuit at the 2009 world championships.

The American dropped back her head when saw the time, then broke into a huge smile, slapped the water and pumped her fists.

"I'm on top of the world right now." she said. "I still know I can go faster."

Vollmer, who made the Olympics as a 16-year-old in 2004, was a huge disappointment when she failed to make the team in Beijing in 2008. She was slowed by injuries and health problems, making her question whether she even wanted to continue swimming.

But her injuries healed and a change in diet gave her a new outlook. She came close to breaking Sjostrom's record at the U.S. Olympic trials last month, and set an Olympic record in the semifinals to come in as the top qualifier.

Now she's an Olympic champion.

"I kept telling myself that my strength is my second 50," Vollmer said. "I kept really calm."

Lu Ying gave China another medal at the Olympic Aquatics Centre, taking silver in 56.87. Australia's Alicia Coutts grabbed the bronze in 56.94.

"It's not bad," Lu said. "It's the result, more or less, I hoped for."

It was a tough night for Sjostrom. Not only did she lose her world record, she didn't even get a medal, touching fourth in 57.17.

Vollmer was the second swimmer to set a world record at the London Games, and only the fourth to break a mark set during the rubberized suit era. Those suits were banned after an astonishing 43 world records were set at the 2009 world championships.

The big race on the second night of swimming was the men's 400 freestyle relay, which figured to be a duel between defending world champion Australia and the United States, which won the Olympic title four years ago.

The Americans sent out their big guns, going with Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte in hopes of knocking off a favored Aussies team that included James "The Missile" Magnussen and James "The Rocket" Roberts. Nathan Adrian and Cullen Jones also were swimming for the U.S., which changed up its entire lineup after qualifying second in the morning preliminaries.

The Aussies posted the fastest qualifying time with a quartet that included Magnussen and Roberts. They changed up the other two spots, going with Matt Targett and Eamon Sullivan.

There were two other finals Sunday night.

In the men's 100 breaststroke, Japan's Kosuke Kitajima was attempting to become the first male swimmer to win the same individual event at three straight Olympics. Phelps failed miserably at his attempt the night before, failing to even medal in the 400 individual medley. Also, Britain's Rebecca Adlington looked to give the home country its first swimming medal and defend her title in the 400 freestyle.


Follow Paul Newberry on Twitter at www.twitter.com/pnewberry1963

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-07-29-OLY-SWM-Swimming/id-e0516df31d1a422cb611cc269837f647

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All runners complain about their aches, but few know what causes them and what they can do to prevent them. Along with clear and thorough explanations of how running influ?ences the body, and how the body influences your running, Anatomy for Runners: Unlocking Your Athletic Potential for Health, Speed, and Injury Prevention (Skyhorse Publishing, August 2012) answers many of the common questions runners have about their bodies and their injuries, such as:

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? Which shoes are best for running?

? Is running bare?foot beneficial?

Author and avid runner, Jay Dicharry was tired of getting the same treat?ments from doctors that didn?t heal his joint and muscle pain, so he decided to combine different fields of clinical care, biomechanical analysis, and coaching to help avoid common injuries, and to become the best possible runner. Including corrective exercises, and step-by-step photographs to help im?prove your core and overall performance, Anatomy for Runners will help you become the best possible runner you can be.

About the Author

Jay Dicharry, MPT, CSCS, is the director of the SPEED Per?formance Clinic and the Motion Analysis Lab coordinator at the University of Virginia. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a certified coach, and a certified golf fitness instruc?tor. Jay has a competitive history in swimming, triathlon, cycling, and running events on both the local and national level, and he has coached athletes from local standouts to national medalists. Jay is a founding board member and presenter at the annual UVA Run?ning Medicine conference and has been published in numerous professional journals. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.

I received a review copy and no compensation, the opinions given are my own.

If you?re a runner then you know that with running comes injuries. Anatomy for Runners: Unlocking Your Athletic Potential for Health, Speed, and Injury Prevention (Skyhorse Publishing, August 2012) is here to help readers understand how running influ?ences the body, and how the body influences your running. Author Jay Dicharry offers expert advice on how to reach your athletic potential and set new personal records without the risk of getting hurt. He also provides answers and tools for training, including:

  • The truth about stretching
  • Tips for the best way to run
  • Corrective exercises to improve your core
  • And much more!

Anatomy for Runners will help you become the best runner you can be and is a must-have for every runner! They really aren?t kidding.? The start of this book reads almost like a text book and I am pretty sure the gait essentials section had some that were similar to this in physiology texts I have seen.? This stuff is in-depth, great practical information for runners and coaches.? There are excellent color photos and diagrams throughout the book and my favorite, the picture of a chubby baby foot with an explanation of why I don?t stick my newborn in restrictive shoes straight from the horse?s mouth,

?A newborn?s toes are wider than the ball of their feet.? Over time, narrow toe boxes in traditional shoe construction reverse this and decrease our support? (pg 128).

Summaries are given at the ends of chapters, training information and how to reconstruct yourself.? I particularly enjoyed the foot/toe yoga sections as they further validated all of the extended training I have had in these areas.?

This book is a must have for runners or those working with runners, no joke.? It is a wealth of information, very factual, at times a little dry but I don?t think there is a better book out there.

Source: http://skyyogastudio.com/2012/07/29/become-the-best-runner-with-anatomyforrunners-health-speed-and-injury-prevention-skyyogastudio-com/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Old Termites Turn Into Self-Destructing Chemical Weapons [WTFriday]

Question: what's the best line of defense when you're old and crotchety and your body's not working quite like it used to? The answer, of course, is to turn yourself blue and explode when provoked. At least if you're a termite. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/T9KrI26yaEw/old-termites-turn-into-self+destructing-chemical-weapons

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Source: http://whitepaulab.typepad.com/blog/2012/07/computers-and-technology-registry-cleaners-article-class.html

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Obama budget office lowers economic forecast

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton listens at left as President Barack Obama speaks to members of the media??

President Barack Obama's budget office on Friday revised downward its previous forecasts for economic growth in 2012 and 2013 and projected a $1.211 trillion deficit through the end of the year, slightly down from earlier predictions.

"The economy is not growing fast enough and there are still too many people out of work. Most troubling, the pace of improvement in the labor market slowed in the second quarter of this year," according to the Mid-Session Review (MSR) from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Obama's hopes for re-election hang on voters' perceptions of how he has handled the economy, which is still sputtering three and a half years after he took office. Polls show Republican challenger Mitt Romney is seen as a better candidate for creating jobs, though the president outscores him on which candidate would be a better champion for the middle class.

The MSR cut projected growth from 2.7 percent to 2.3 percent in 2012 and 2.7 percent from 3 percent relative to its previous forecasts in February. That came after the Commerce Department reported that the gross domestic product rose at a 1.5 percent annualized rate in the second quarter of the year, a tepid pace.?On the deficit, the new $1.211 trillion figure was below February forecasts of $1.327 trillion. But the MSR upped its estimate for the deficit in 2013 from $901 billion to $991 billion. Republicans led by Romney have cited the country's swelling national debt?now at nearly $16 trillion?as a symptom of Obama's mismanagement of the economy. The Democratic incumbent has emphasized that the 2007-2008 economic meltdown is the chief cause of the rising tide of red ink.

In a post on the official White House blog, acting Office of Management and Budget Director Jeffrey Zients said the slightly improved picture between February and July "reflects lower-than-expected spending, partially offset by lower-than-expected receipts."

Zients also fired a shot in the official Washington war over the "sequester"?automatic cuts to social programs and national security spending, adopted by Congress and signed by the president, and triggered by last year's failure to find a wide-ranging deficit-reduction plan?by saying lawmakers "can and must enact a comprehensive and balanced deficit reduction package" that would be "along the lines" of Obama's calls for higher taxes on the wealthy as well as "measures to strengthen the near-term economy and create jobs."

"With more than five months remaining before the sequestration must be initiated, Congress has ample time to act. The Administration stands ready to work with Congress to get the job done," he said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-budget-office-lowers-economic-growth-forecast-2012-193454576.html

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Highlights From Mark Zuckerberg And Sheryl Sandberg On Facebook?s First Earnings Call

facebook-iconYounger users are just as engaged as everyone else, Facebook is selling $1 million in Sponsored Stories ads a day, and building a phone "wouldn't really make much sense" are a few of the juicy news nuggets dished on on Facebook's first earnings call today, led by CEO?Mark Zuckerberg. Still, Facebook?noted it was disappointed in how its stock has traded. For details on Facebook's actual earnings, check out our coverage of its?revenue and financial progress, and its?user growth. But here are the biggest highlights from the earnings call which lay out Facebook's roadmap for the rest of 2012.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/-JeTntkPc18/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

A&Q ? Answers Archive ? Kira's Report or Why We Love Our Pet dogs

By virtue in their genetic origins, domesticated dogs nevertheless possess predatory instincts, while some screen them evidently while others feel to lack them absolutely. After which you will find these canines who will be somewhere while in the middle. What?s challenging inside of a loved ones location, however, is any time a canine having a significant predatory travel is launched with a new relative: potentially a cat, one more smaller pet, or even a toddler. Here?s what can happen? The incredibly to begin with make any difference Kira accomplished, when she acquainted to the home, has long been receive the ideal zone with the couch for napping and seeing Tv. She in addition accomplished a ?friendship? along with the cats, soon after around weekly they finished battling and scaring each and every other nicely. This is a really sharp animal. I don?t seriously must teach it,dog apparel, she seems to understand the ?usual conversation? of folks terminology. Let?s say that a young woman adopts a rescue pet dog. The rescue canine is great, smart, desirous to remember to, and although the canine is just not helpful to cats and, in fact killed the loved ones cat when in her foster house in advance of becoming adopted (warning sign!), the woman isn?t really worried about adopting the pet dog for the reason that she isn?t going to foresee ever possessing a cat. In terms of the youthful lady is familiar with, it can just be the two of them. All goes nicely for really a while, as well as the pet demonstrates no indications of aggressive dog behavior. Afterwards, this younger girl marries. As an example her new partner contains a dog,dog clothing, too,dog shoes, and everybody will get alongside good not a single sign of aggressive pet dog habits. A few decades later on, the couple delivers residence their newborn in the healthcare facility, and sooner or later whilst the baby is within the toddler swing,dog clothes, Mother measures from the space for just a transient second, and tragedy takes place. Even though it could appear far-fetched and entirely unrelated, this assault could have been avoided if interest had been paid for the dog?s interest in chasing cats. Specifically why do we like our pets? You almost certainly built such query quite a few instances. And the justification appeared to be assorted each and every time, to the very simple rationale that almost everyone have they personally very own results in to love this minor or not very little creatures. The tale I would want to share along with you is undoubtedly not very exclusive. However, around the other side, then extra stories like this results, superior may be the world the place we?re residing. That?s why, how are not able to you adore this dog pet dog? Proper now it is about 10 month ancient and it have discovered out enough time chart of each and every consultant on the relatives and acquire totally prepared with anticipation to satisfy each and every and each with skipping, licking the hands and a different displays of enjoyment and passion. The unconditional appreciate. Very potentially this is actually the solution to the predicament we produced during the starting on the submit. Purely for the reason that no one than them likes us it does not matter of how we look for, what we?ve been applying at present, are we arrive at folks or we do not have a greenback. And all what they desire from us is always to be shut and take good care of them. Which isn?t a great deal, just participate in with it occasionally, rap them ear, give a little bit of food, stroll a bit. dog clothing

Source: http://uploadons.com/blog/kiras-report-or-why-we-love-our-pet-dogs/

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Second Story uses Kinect for augmented shopping, tells us how much that doggie is in the window (video)

Second Story uses Kinect for augmented shopping, tells you exactly how much that doggie is in the window video

Second Story isn't content to leave window shoppers guessing at whether or not they can afford that dress or buy it in mauve. A new project at the creative studio uses the combination of a Kinect for Windows sensor with a Planar LookThru transparent LCD enclosure to provide an augmented reality overlay for whatever passers-by see inside the box. The Microsoft peripheral's face detection keeps the perspective accurate and (hopefully) entrances would-be customers. Coming from an outlet that specializes in bringing this sort of work to corporate clients, the potential for retail use is more than a little obvious, but not exclusive: the creators imagine it also applying to art galleries, museums and anywhere else that some context would come in handy. If it becomes a practical reality, we're looking forward to Second Story's project dissuading us from the occasional impulse luxury purchase.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/26/second-story-uses-kinect-for-augmented-shopping/

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Don't Assume You Can't Sue Just Because You've Signed On The ...

If you sign a document that contains an exculpatory clause that appears to release a person or institution from liability for an injury that happens to you on their property, does it necessarily mean you?ve signed your life away and will be left holding the bag if you are injured?

Simply put, the answer is no.

Case in point: a man named Richard Hackett was staying at the Grand Seas Resort in Daytona Beach ? a condominium timeshare ? when a piece of patio furniture he was sitting on broke and he suffered an injury.

Before he had come to the resort, he had signed some paperwork that included the exculpatory clause, ?Notice to Guest: This property is privately owned. Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and will not be responsible for accidents or injury to guests or for loss of money, jewelry or valuables of any kind.?

Not one to be deterred, Mr. Hackett consulted an attorney. His lawyer told him that unless clauses that release people or institutions from their legal responsibilities are clear, unambiguous, and unequivocal, they are very hard to enforce. In other words, he had a case.

At trial, Grand Seas Resort argued that the clause was clear ? and the court agreed.

Mr. Hackett appealed.

The 4th District Court of Appeals reversed the lower court?s judgment, saying that the vague reference to ?accidents and injuries? was not clear. Did the resort mean it was not liable for accidents caused by clumsiness or by negligence? The verbiage simply was not specific enough.

Just because you may have signed a document or waiver that contains an exculpatory clause, it does not mean that you?ve thrown away your legal rights. If you?ve been injured due to another party?s negligence, consulting with a Florida personal injury attorney at Farah & Farah is always in your best interest. You may have legal options, even if you think you don?t. Call us at (800) 533-3555.

Source: http://www.farahandfarah.com/blog/personal-injury/dont-assume-you-cant-sue-because-youve-signed-dotted-line/

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bachelorette Party Fail: Bachelorettes Mistake Police For Strippers At Humpty Doo Tavern

It was an honest mistake.

A group of Australian women celebrating a bachelorette party mistook three police officers for male strippers when they stopped into the Humpty Doo Tavern in Darwin on Thursday, ABC News in Australiareports.

"There were various shouts about how the strippers had arrived," police commander Louise Jorgenson told ABC News."[The ladies] nearly had [the officers'] shirts torn off, but [the police] managed to escape with their dignity intact."

The bride, Wendy Haddon, told ABC News that the officers "went along with it very well," even taking photos with the women by their patrol cars.

The Aussie ladies certainly weren't the first to get wild at a bachelorette party. Click through the slideshow below to see nine celebs who unleashed their inner party animals before tying the knot.

  • Mario Lopez

    In February 2011, Mario Lopez confirmed that he cheated on his then-fianc?e Ali Landry during his bachelor party in 2004, saying he had been "bouncing around" Mexico with cousins and had <a href="http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-body/news/mario-lopez-i-cheated-on-ex-ali-landry-days-before-wedding-2011112" target="_hplink">"messed around" with another woman</a>. Rumors of his cheating quickly spread after his wedding. Lopez, currently engaged to the mother of his two children, Courtney Mazza, blames his indiscretion on his immaturity at the time.

  • Jimmy Stewart

    Actor Jimmy Stewart's bachelor party went down in Hollywood history as one of the wildest ever, <a href="http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1904885,00.html" target="_hplink">according to <em>Time</em> magazine.</a> The bash, held at the famous Beverly Hills hotspot Chasen's, included little people popping out of serving dishes.

  • Nicole Richie

    Rumor has it that it wasn't just Nicole Richie who got wild at her bachelorette party in 2010. Pal Christina Aguilera had a little too much fun and, according to <a href="http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2011/03/exclusive-christina-aguilera-raunchy-pix-sale-bed-with-boyfriend-nicole-richies" target="_hplink">RadarOnline,</a> reportedly left behind a memory card full of photos in a French hotel. Richie is seen in the photos in a bikini with a blow-up doll strapped to her, while Aguilera is seen drinking and smoking a cigar. Other photos on the card included Aguilera in bed with current beau, Matt Rutler.

  • Katy Perry

    <a href="http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20427390,00.html" target="_hplink"><em>People</em> reported in 2010</a> that Katy Perry, along with party planner and pal, Rihanna, received a lap dance from a blonde stripper at Sapphire strip club in Las Vegas for her bachelorette party. Perry, now divorced from Russell Brand, also eyed strippers who were dancing to her songs.

  • Brad Pitt

    Brad Pitt's bachelor party was fit for a king. According to the <a href="http://www.dailystar.co.uk/goss/view/252874/Brad-Pitt-s-party-mad/" target="_hplink"><em>Daily Star</em></a>, Pitt and high-profile friends such as Harvey Weinstien and Ray Liotta partied hard in Cannes, France, following the premier of Pitt's new film, "Killing Me Softly." Rapper P. Diddy toasted Pitt and invited the entire party to continue the night on his yacht.

  • Blake Shelton

    Country singer and "The Voice" judge Blake Shelton didn't want a true bachelor party, <a href="http://www.parade.com/celebrity/celebrity-parade/2011/03/blake-shelton.html" target="_hplink">reports <em>Parade</em>.</a> Shelton told the magazine that he and some friends were going camping to "find something to hunt." He said that most of his life has been a "bachelor party" so he didn't feel he needed another wild night (though some might say that hunting on your so-called last night as a single man is a pretty "wild" thing to do).

  • Tony Romo

    NFL star Tony Romo did just the opposite of what most men do at bachelor parties. <a href="http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/tony-romo-i-didnt-drink-at-my-bachelor-party-2011168" target="_hplink"><em>Us Weekly</em> reported in 2011</a> that Romo said he didn't feel like drinking the night of his party but that he also didn't want that to impact the fun. He told the magazine, "So I was like, let's find something to do here. We tried coming up with a game, and with 14 or 15 guys, there ain't a lot of non-drinking games at that age that you can do." Romo and his buddies opted for a game of nighttime hide-and-seek instead.

  • Chris Bosh

    Miami Heat star Chris Bosh's bachelor shindig lasted for four days in Las Vegas, and was nicknamed "Hangover 3," <a href="http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/bosh_four_day_bachelor_bash_sQSV125vkVP3lXfqnoNTaM" target="_hplink">reports the <em>New York Post</em>.</a> Bosh and friends saw Chris Angel's magic show, and Bosh was even invited on stage to participate. The next day, they paint-balled and partied, and then finished the weekend with a comedy show and boys' casino night at Caesar's Palace.

  • Wes Welker

    The New England Patriots' wide receiver Wes Welker had a major party foul at his recent "unofficial" bachelor party. <a href="http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d829f2bf3/article/wes-welker-reportedly-in-scuffle-at-bachelor-party?module=HP11_headline_stack" target="_hplink">NFL.com reports</a> that Welker and his buddies tried to crash a "Summerology" party by Patron at Above the Salt restaurant while celebrating in Aspen, Colo. in June 2012. The tables were turned when security tackled the group, including Welker, and nearly ignited a fight, requiring Welker to be restrained before being kicked off the property.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/06/bachelorette-party-fail_n_1655369.html

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Cybercrooks preying on small businesses | Naked Security

Cyber criminal, courtesy of ShutterstockSmall businesses might think they are little enough to escape cybercrooks' attention, but they're increasingly wrong.

Case in point: thieves in May took a mere few hours to vacuum $1.2 million out of the bank account of a mannequin maker and importer, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The cybercrooks used online transactions to fraudulently transfer the money from the bank account of Lifestyle Forms & Displays Inc., a 100-employee company in Brooklyn, NY.

The mannequin maker's problems started when the head of finance couldn't get a routine online payment to a foreign vendor to go through.

Repeated attempts to log into the company's banking site with a secure ID token password only resulted in error messages.

The bank said it wasn't a problem on its end. The three-person IT team at Lifestyle Forms & Displays suspected a virus, even though the anti-virus software was up to date.

By the next morning, after IT had cleaned up the computers, they discovered that the thieves had wired the $1.2 million through nine transactions of about $150,000 each to three major U.S. banks and one Chinese bank, the WSJ reports.

CEO Lloyd Keilson tried to claw that money back.

He was partly successful: within five days, the company's bank, New York-based Signature Bank, managed to recover nearly $800,000 from two recipients of the stolen funds: Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan Chase.

Keilson didn't have such luck with Bank of America and Agricultural Bank of China, the latter of which the WSJ couldn't even manage to reach for comment.

Lloyd Keilson. Image credit: Sarah E. Needleman/The Wall Street Journal

So Keilson set out to make a nuisance of himself: a productive strategy, it turns out.

He pulled the strings of his network. That got him in touch with the secretary to the CEO of one of the US banks.

Using such tactics, he regained a total of about $1.04 million of the stolen money within 15 days of the robbery.

Keilson told the WSJ that he's now trying to figure out if his company's bank is legally responsible for making up the balance of the funds, which are now unaccounted for.

Signature Bank has denied that the security vulnerability was on its part, however.

If the bank is truly without blame, Mr Keilson can likely kiss those funds goodbye, barring the FBI and/or New York Police's success in tracking it down.

George Tubin, a senior security strategist for Trusteer Inc., a provider of cybercrime prevention technology, told the WSJ that courts don't often hold banks liable in cybercrime cases that involve security breaches of their customers' computers:

It comes down to what type of security a bank has in place to detect fraud and what the small business did for the hackers to be able to access its accounts. ? As long as the bank provides commercially reasonable security, then the bank's not liable.

The WSJ reports that the theft is indicative of a growing trend wherein criminals are increasingly targeting small businesses.

That trend can be seen in figures from Verizon Communications, which found that about 72% of 855 data breaches analyzed in its 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report [PDF] were at companies with 100 or fewer employees, up from 63% of 761 data breaches analyzed in 2010.

Since the theft, Keilson has instituted a few important safeguards to protect Lifestyle Forms & Displays: 1) no more outbound bank transactions without verbal clearance from an authorized company executive, and 2) a $1 million insurance policy that costs $13,000 a year and will cover losses from cyber fraud.

Cyber criminal cartoon, courtesy of ShutterstockGood moves. Not many businesses, small or large, have realized what a good deal cybercrime damage insurance currently is.

At the SOURCE:Boston security conference in the spring, Jake Kouns, director of cyber security and technology risks underwriting for Markel Corporation, noted that most companies assume their general liability or professional liability insurance will cover them in the case of cyber attack.

They, most likely, don't.

Sony, for one, found that out following its huge PlayStation Network breach.

Sony's insurer, Zurich American Insurance Co., contested any obligation to cover costs related to lawsuits filed over the breach, arguing that its policy only covered claims for bodily injury, property damage, or personal and advertising injury.

So, is $13,000 a lot for an insurance policy?

Think of the potential costs of a data breach:

  • Lawsuits, including fines and penalties
  • Transmission of malicious code to other networks
  • Loss of the use of your network
  • Cost to notify affected individuals
  • Credit monitoring for customers
  • Identity restoration services
  • Security consultants
  • Legal notices
  • Restoration of system and data
  • Extra expenses to remain functional, including new hardware and/or services
  • Payment of extortion demands
  • Lost time, lost monies, lost business
  • Liability from defamatory content maliciously posted on your site, intensified by the search potential of the internet

That list is just for starters.

Is $13,000/year a lot to cover such costs?

Mr Keilson evidently thinks not. Perhaps other small businesses - and large ones too, for that matter - should follow his lead.

Cyber criminal photo and cartoon courtesy of Shutterstock.

Lloyd Keilson image: Sarah E. Needleman/The Wall Street Journal.

Source: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2012/07/06/cybercrooks-preying-on-small-businesses/

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Video: Heat wave rages on

>> are still without power today, day after the detroit area got pounded by heavy storms. on the east coast , the number of people without power dropping. not quickly enough. if you're one of thoels people entering the sixth day without power and the heat wave continues today with dangerous triple-digit heat index values in many parts of the country. nbc's john yang is live for us in chicago .

>> reporter: hello, tamron . it's another day for the record books here in chicago . a little while ago the official temperature reading was 102. and that ties a record set for this date more than a century ago. as the nation celebrated its 236th birthday with fireworks, across much of the country it was as hot as a firecracker. chicago had only its second triple-digit fourth of july on record. this bank thermometer hit 104 degrees. the official high, 102, tying a record set more than a century ago.

>> we need to protect ourselves and those who are at greatest risk from heat related illness this summer season.

>> we're tough, but this one -- this one -- this one is a little more than we're used to.

>> reporter: lake michigan beaches were jammed but water temperatures in the mid-70s didn't offer much relief. with the nation's midsection in the grip of a massive hot air, excessive heat warnings continue. in des moines , people tried to have some holiday fun, despite the blistering ?heat.

>> too hot. but we're having a good time.

>> reporter: st. louis hit triple digits for the seventh straight day. the longest streak in more than 50 years. some efforts to beat the heat had tragic results. at least three children died after being electrocuted in lakes in missouri and tennessee in two separate incidents. work crews in areas hit hard by last week's powerful storm spent the holiday removing downed trees, clearing the way for utility workers to restore power.

>> we usually work 16 hours. we extended it to 19 hours pause we felt sorry for people who were without electricity.

>> i'm dying to go home . i'm so tired.

>> we've lost everything. we've lost everything that required refrigeration.

>> reporter: if the temperatures continue to climb, we could close in on chicago 's all-time record of 105. and, tamron , there's no relief in sight for another day at least. the excessive heat advisory is in place until friday night. tamron ?

>> all right, john. thank you

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/48084516/

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Toward a better understanding of earthquakes

Toward a better understanding of earthquakes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 5-Jul-2012
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Contact: Monika Landgraf
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

KIT geophysicists study tectonic tremor on the San Andreas Fault in California

This release is available in German.

The earth is shaken daily by strong earthquakes recorded by a number of seismic stations worldwide. Tectonic tremor, however, is a new type of seismic signal that seismologist started studying only within the last few years. Tremor is less hazardous than earthquakes and occurs at greater depth. The link between tremor and earthquakes may provide clues about the more destructive earthquakes that occur at shallower depths. Geophysicists of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) collected seismic data of tectonic tremor in California. These data are now being evaluated in order to better understand this new seismic phenomenon.

About a decade ago, researchers discovered a previously unknown seismic signal, now referred to as tectonic tremor. Contrary to earthquakes, tectonic tremor causes relatively weak ground shaking. While tremor may last longer than earthquakes, it does not cause any direct danger. "Both earthquakes and tremor have the same cause. They result from the relative movement on fault surfaces, a result of the motion of the tectonic plates," explains seismologist Dr. Rebecca Harrington, who heads a research group at KIT. "While earthquakes at our research site in California typically occur at depths of up to 15 km below the surface, tectonic tremor signals are generated at depths ranging from approximately 15 to 35 km."

Tectonic tremor was first detected a decade ago in subduction zones in Japan and in the Pacific Northwest in North America. Since then, seismologists have discovered that tremor occurs in many other places, including the San Andreas fault in California. The San Andreas fault marks the boundary where the Pacific Plate and the North American plate drift past each other, generating many earthquakes in the process. KIT researchers have collected new seismic data recording tremor closer to where it occurs than the seismic stations currently installed near Cholame. In mid-2010, KIT researchers, together with scientists of the University of California, Riverside, and the US Geological Survey, Pasadena, installed 13 seismic stations near Cholame, located approximately halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Each seismic station was equipped with a broadband seismometer in a thermally insulated hole in the ground, a small computer, and a solar panel for power. Broadband seismometers are extremely sensitive to small ground motions, are therefore ideal for detecting tremor and small earthquakes. The data recorded over a period of 14 months are presently being analyzed at KIT.

Tectonic tremor signals have a unique character that differs from earthquakes, making them more difficult to detect using automated techniques. In order to address the detection problem, the KIT researchers first developed a new algorithm for the automatic isolation of tectonic tremor. Using their new technique, they found over 2600 tremor events that are now being studied in detail. "In addition to detecting tremor, we will determine their size or magnitude of the individual events. In order to do so, each of the tremor events must be precisely located," says Rebecca Harrington. Additionally, KIT geophysicists compare the tremor and earthquake recordings in California with earthquake recordings at Mount St. Helens volcano, located in the Cascadia subduction zone, located to north of California, in the US state of Washington. A volcano eruption from 2004-2008 produced a series of earthquakes on newly formed faults, where the scientists of the US Geological Survey collect data that are also made available to Rebecca Harrington.

Seismology is still a long way from being able to predict earthquakes. However, seismologists can better estimate the danger posed by earthquakes by understanding what happens on a fault during a seismic event. According to Rebecca Harrington, research of tectonic tremor may play an important role understanding fault behavior. "We understand very little about what happens on a fault when it ruptures. The tectonic tremor generated on the deep part of a fault may provide clues about the behavior on the more shallow parts of a fault where more damaging earthquakes occur."


The KIT Climate and Environment Center develops strategies and technologies to secure the natural bases of life. For this purpose, 660 employees of 32 institutes produce fundamental and application-oriented knowledge relating to climate and environmental change. It is not only aimed at eliminating the causes of environmental problems, but increasingly at adapting to changed conditions.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a public corporation according to the legislation of the state of Baden-Wrttemberg. It fulfills the mission of a university and the mission of a national research center of the Helmholtz Association. KIT focuses on a knowledge triangle that links the tasks of research, teaching, and innovation.

This press release is available on the internet at www.kit.edu.

The photo of printing quality may be downloaded under www.kit.edu or requested by mail to presse@kit.edu or phone +49 721 608-4 7414. The photo may be used in the context given above exclusively.

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Toward a better understanding of earthquakes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 5-Jul-2012
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Contact: Monika Landgraf
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

KIT geophysicists study tectonic tremor on the San Andreas Fault in California

This release is available in German.

The earth is shaken daily by strong earthquakes recorded by a number of seismic stations worldwide. Tectonic tremor, however, is a new type of seismic signal that seismologist started studying only within the last few years. Tremor is less hazardous than earthquakes and occurs at greater depth. The link between tremor and earthquakes may provide clues about the more destructive earthquakes that occur at shallower depths. Geophysicists of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) collected seismic data of tectonic tremor in California. These data are now being evaluated in order to better understand this new seismic phenomenon.

About a decade ago, researchers discovered a previously unknown seismic signal, now referred to as tectonic tremor. Contrary to earthquakes, tectonic tremor causes relatively weak ground shaking. While tremor may last longer than earthquakes, it does not cause any direct danger. "Both earthquakes and tremor have the same cause. They result from the relative movement on fault surfaces, a result of the motion of the tectonic plates," explains seismologist Dr. Rebecca Harrington, who heads a research group at KIT. "While earthquakes at our research site in California typically occur at depths of up to 15 km below the surface, tectonic tremor signals are generated at depths ranging from approximately 15 to 35 km."

Tectonic tremor was first detected a decade ago in subduction zones in Japan and in the Pacific Northwest in North America. Since then, seismologists have discovered that tremor occurs in many other places, including the San Andreas fault in California. The San Andreas fault marks the boundary where the Pacific Plate and the North American plate drift past each other, generating many earthquakes in the process. KIT researchers have collected new seismic data recording tremor closer to where it occurs than the seismic stations currently installed near Cholame. In mid-2010, KIT researchers, together with scientists of the University of California, Riverside, and the US Geological Survey, Pasadena, installed 13 seismic stations near Cholame, located approximately halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Each seismic station was equipped with a broadband seismometer in a thermally insulated hole in the ground, a small computer, and a solar panel for power. Broadband seismometers are extremely sensitive to small ground motions, are therefore ideal for detecting tremor and small earthquakes. The data recorded over a period of 14 months are presently being analyzed at KIT.

Tectonic tremor signals have a unique character that differs from earthquakes, making them more difficult to detect using automated techniques. In order to address the detection problem, the KIT researchers first developed a new algorithm for the automatic isolation of tectonic tremor. Using their new technique, they found over 2600 tremor events that are now being studied in detail. "In addition to detecting tremor, we will determine their size or magnitude of the individual events. In order to do so, each of the tremor events must be precisely located," says Rebecca Harrington. Additionally, KIT geophysicists compare the tremor and earthquake recordings in California with earthquake recordings at Mount St. Helens volcano, located in the Cascadia subduction zone, located to north of California, in the US state of Washington. A volcano eruption from 2004-2008 produced a series of earthquakes on newly formed faults, where the scientists of the US Geological Survey collect data that are also made available to Rebecca Harrington.

Seismology is still a long way from being able to predict earthquakes. However, seismologists can better estimate the danger posed by earthquakes by understanding what happens on a fault during a seismic event. According to Rebecca Harrington, research of tectonic tremor may play an important role understanding fault behavior. "We understand very little about what happens on a fault when it ruptures. The tectonic tremor generated on the deep part of a fault may provide clues about the behavior on the more shallow parts of a fault where more damaging earthquakes occur."


The KIT Climate and Environment Center develops strategies and technologies to secure the natural bases of life. For this purpose, 660 employees of 32 institutes produce fundamental and application-oriented knowledge relating to climate and environmental change. It is not only aimed at eliminating the causes of environmental problems, but increasingly at adapting to changed conditions.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a public corporation according to the legislation of the state of Baden-Wrttemberg. It fulfills the mission of a university and the mission of a national research center of the Helmholtz Association. KIT focuses on a knowledge triangle that links the tasks of research, teaching, and innovation.

This press release is available on the internet at www.kit.edu.

The photo of printing quality may be downloaded under www.kit.edu or requested by mail to presse@kit.edu or phone +49 721 608-4 7414. The photo may be used in the context given above exclusively.

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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/haog-tab070512.php

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