Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mosquitoes Remade

It?s a bit unnerving that Scott O?Neill bursts out laughing at the basic premise behind the story you are beginning to read.

He is dean of the science faculty at Monash University in Australia and lead scientist for research on developing bacteria-infected mosquitoes as a public health tool. The premise put forth was that scientists suddenly have made visible progress on a daydream that has been around for at least 50 years. Apparently, though, O?Neill thinks the ?suddenly? is funny.

To the general insect-bitten public, a mosquito that fights disease instead of spreading it is the flying car of public health. Twentieth century science was supposed to create all kinds of marvels. But it?s a new millennium, cars are still grounded and mosquitoes are still dangerous. They pass along maladies, including malaria, yellow fever and dengue, that together kill hundreds of thousands of people each year, and often stump vaccine makers and drug developers. Small, frail-bodied creatures, easily knocked out of the air with the slap of a rolled-up science magazine, rank among the deadliest animals on Earth.

But now, retrofitted Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that might interrupt disease transmission are flying around freely in a wave of real-life tests.

In 2010, the British company Oxitec announced results of the first known tests of free-flying transgenic mosquitoes, a milestone for both friends and foes of genetic engineering. The mosquitoes ? 3 million of them ? were engineered to start a population crash after infiltrating wild, potentially disease-spreading A. aegypti swarms in a village on the Caribbean island of Grand Cayman. And last year, O?Neill and his colleagues reported results of field trials using a completely different strategy. His team?s mosquitoes, several hundred thousand of which were released into towns in Queensland, are not transgenic and are not intended to reduce the overall number of mosquitoes. Instead, regular mosquitoes infected with a bacterial disease that makes them far less likely to spread dengue were supposed to replace the usual swarms. Both research groups are continuing their tests this year, and both are discussing expansions (Vietnam for O?Neill?s group and Key West, among other places, for Oxitec).

Yes, these are just tests. The basic strategies have their pluses and minuses. And who knows what chances the saboteur mosquitoes have for ultimate success in fighting disease. But the big news is that the insects are actually out of the lab. The last widely reported releases for mosquito control that made it this far ended in 1981. Public health at least has a flying tricycle, soaring in from out of the blue.

O?Neill doesn?t see it that way. With a note of cheerful teasing, he says: ?Well, I?d say you took your eyes off the ball.?

From inside the mosquito effort, he wouldn?t describe the outdoor tests as a pop-up surprise, but more as a matter of researchers continuing to attack the problems at hand. Presented with the same premise of sudden visible progress, Oxitec?s chief scientific officer, Luke Alphey, merely says that progress toward a better mosquito ?took longer than we expected.?

Listening to their accounts of what happened behind the scenes, however, makes the progress sound more, rather than less, surprising. It?s easy to understand why outsiders took their eyes off the ball. The effort stalled for years at a time, careened sideways and rolled backward as much as forward.

Death by mozzie

The perils of mosquitoes can set anyone dreaming. Female mosquitoes have evolved marvels of stealth hypodermics, drawing out blood in search of proper prenatal nutrition. So living amid the surreptitious blood-seeking moms is the disease-risk equivalent of sharing needles with anybody nearby who has some uncovered skin and a pulse.

These flying syringes spread quite a lot of unpleasantness: Beyond malaria, dengue and yellow fever, there?s also West Nile virus; lymphatic filariasis, with its elephant-scale swellings; St. Louis encephalitis; La Crosse encephalitis; eastern and western equine encephalitis; and plenty more.

Malaria is easily one of the biggest killers. Several mosquito species inject malaria parasites into the human bloodstream in the course of sucking up a meal. The World Health Organization estimates that 655,000 people died from the disease in 2010, many were children in Africa, and many more get very sick.

Almost half of humankind now lives in areas at risk for malaria, but decades of medical research have yet to yield an effective vaccine. Malaria parasites have evolved resistance to older drugs designed to treat or prevent the disease and are showing signs of getting around the current drug generation. The mosquitoes carrying the parasite have also evolved resistance to several waves of pesticides deployed against them. Particularly worrying are signs of emerging resistance to the pyrethroids. Bed nets treated with these insecticides have become the mainstay of campaigns proven to reduce malaria risk by keeping night-flying species away from still flesh.

To fight malaria and the pathogens that mosquitoes spread, ?you have to be smart ? it?s a very smart system,? says Raymond St. Leger of the University of Maryland in College Park. Research has therefore expanded out of the box, out of mosquito-stopping bed nets and definitely out of the insecticide canister.

St. Leger and his colleagues, for instance, are genetically engineering a fungus that targets the young malaria pathogen growing inside the mosquito. When enhanced with genes for producing the toxin scorpine, as well as some other parasite-unfriendly substances, the Metarhizium anisopliae fungus can cut a mosquito?s parasite load by 98 percent, the team reported last year in Science.

The researchers have applied for regulatory permission to test how well mosquitoes pick up the souped-up fungi in a giant enclosure in a part of Burkina Faso that St. Leger describes as squarely in Malaria Central. During mosquito season, residents there can expect some 200 mosquito bites a day, many from Anopheles gambiae, a major malaria spreader.

St. Leger?s approach lets each and every mosquito pick up the disease-fighting fungus from the environment, like a living insecticide. But a burst of new field trials for fighting another disease rely on mosquito inheritance.

Within the sweep of ideas for defending humankind, directly monkey-wrenching the mosquito so it no longer spreads a parasite or virus is ?conceptually beautiful,? St. Leger says. But for malaria, it?s not exactly easy. Civilians in the war against insectborne diseases may refer to ?the mosquito,? but entomologists have named roughly 3,000 species. Twenty are important malaria spreaders, he says, and more species can carry the disease. A safer mosquito for malaria zones would need to be a swarm of simultaneously modified species.

Though not as famous as malaria outside the tropics, dengue makes a worthy target. It?s the forgotten pandemic, says Scott Ritchie, a medical entomologist at the James Cook University in Cairns, Australia, who works with O?Neill. A potentially lethal viral disease, dengue has been spreading rapidly since the 1970s. Now more than 40 percent of the world?s population lives at risk. A first round of the disease brings such miseries as a fever of around 104? Fahrenheit (40? Celsius), a sharp headache behind the eyes and intense skeletal pain, inspiring the name ?breakbone fever.?

?Most people remember it as one of the most miserable weeks of their lives,? says Cameron Simmons. Although he is a University of Oxford professor of medicine, Simmons lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in a zone at high risk for dengue. And yes, he?s had the disease once, so he is speaking from experience.

What he explains, with remarkable matter-of-factness, is that enduring one round gives long-lasting immunity to that particular group of dengue viruses ? but not to the three others. The first bout actually increases the risk that infection with a second kind will turn into what?s appropriately called severe dengue. Symptoms include bleeding gums, plasma leaking out of blood vessels, difficulty breathing and vomiting up blood. In 2010, 49,000 people in the Americas alone developed severe dengue.

No drugs or vaccines for dengue have made it to the market yet, although trials are under way. Even if the leading vaccine candidate aces its tests, it requires three doses spaced six months apart, Simmons points out. For many high-risk dengue zones, that?s not an easy vaccine to spread around.

But, when it comes to a mosquito-based solution, targeting dengue has an advantage over malaria. One species, A. aegypti, is mostly responsible for spreading dengue, making the problem more manageable than malaria for the Oxitec and Australian teams. St. Leger, with ironic undertones, says, ?Dengue is the simple one.?

Sterile strategy

Even with the aid of the 20th century?s scientific advances, not much has been simple about controlling mosquitoes. But in the 1990s, Oxitec?s Luke Alphey took a new look at some early failures. One was the sterilization technique.

In the 1950s, U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers developed a way to irradiate the pupal resting stage of screwworms just enough to let them develop into adults that can fly around and mate but can?t sire viable young. Releasing clouds of these sterile male adults lured natural females into dead-end relations. By 1966, waves of releases had eliminated the screwworm from the southern United States. Rare among insects as a dedicated eater of the living flesh of warm-blooded mammals, its disappearance was not mourned.

Trying to radiate mosquitoes by just the right amount proved difficult. In spite of the death they deal to humankind, mosquitoes are fragile. Among other problems, too much radiation kept males from competing well for wild females.

Alphey says he heard about the screwworm eradication in the 1990s from a colleague at the University of Oxford. It was hardly a secret among pest specialists, but, he deadpans, ?I?m a geneticist.?

Even though he came to the concept late, his years of research on fruit fly genetics gave him an unusual take on irradiating mosquitoes. Why bother, he wondered. Considering what geneticists can do as a matter of routine, it might be possible to sterilize male mosquitoes genetically. Alphey says his inspiration was ?an idea at the right time.?

In 1982 geneticists had reported how to insert new genes into the natural complement of DNA in the Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly. Hopes rose among entomologists that some kind of genetic redesign of the mosquito would render disease-carrying killers harmless nourishment for birds and bats. This feat proved much harder than expected. The bit of DNA used to insinuate a gene into the fruit fly refused to cooperate in many other insects, mosquitoes included. ?A lot of time was wasted and postdocs burned up ? though not by me,? Alphey says.

Fortunately, he had his inspiration for genetic tinkering after this long, dark period. Sixteen years after the announcement of the genetically engineered fruit fly, researchers reported coaxing a gene into a mosquito?s DNA. Thus began an ongoing effort to change insect biology to render a mosquito less likely to pick up, harbor or transmit a pathogen.

When Alphey learned about the screwworms, he realized he just needed to make the mosquito sterile. That?s not a small ?just,? but he and his colleagues did it by refining a genetic system they call RIDL. Pronounced ?riddle,? it stands for Release of Insects carrying a Dominant Lethal genetic system. The fatal genes can be rendered harmless in the lab. But outdoors, RIDL males pass along the genetic booby trap to their offspring, so the youngsters die. In 2002, Oxitec was formed to commercialize the technique.

A small test on Grand Cayman in 2009 confirmed that RIDL lab mosquitoes could survive the shock of the wild. ?They hadn?t seen a predator in 100 generations,? Alphey says. ?They hadn?t seen rain. But they did OK.? And a bigger test of free-flying mosquitoes on the island in 2010 demonstrated that they could fool the local females into mating, thus reducing the population by 80 percent.

Bacterial intervention

O?Neill?s reinvention of the mosquito takes a very different approach. He doesn?t want to wipe out a population. He wants A. aegypti still flying around ? just not spreading dengue.

He started thinking about disease-fighting mosquitoes during the 1980s, when he was in grad school working on remarkable bacteria in the group Wolbachia. Various species in this group naturally infect thousands upon thousands of different insects, perhaps three out of four of all kinds in existence. The bacteria often don?t kill their insect host, instead transforming it into a lean, mean, baby-bacteria machine. Wolbachia infections spread from mother to offspring. Fathers aren?t much use as far as the bacteria are concerned, and Wolbachia do have tricks for this, such as turning genetic males into bacteria-spreading females.

The trick that intrigued O?Neill gives infected females an unfair advantage in the mating scene. Bacteria-carrying females produce viable bacteria-carrying youngsters regardless of whether their dad is infected or not. But an uninfected female won?t have viable young if she mates with an infected male. So that male, who wouldn?t have passed on his infection directly, still does his bacteria-spreading part by taking a healthy female out of the gene pool.

Wolbachia infections sweep through populations at great speeds, and O?Neill began to wonder if this spreading power could be harnessed to drive some yet-to-be-invented disease-fighting trait through a mosquito population. Instead of a eureka moment, he says, ?It crept up on me.?

Even if safer mosquitoes can be made, a further challenge is making them numerous. The best, safest, most cleverly engineered mosquito does nothing for public health if wild females don?t mate with it or if helpful traits get swamped by wild genes. Wolbachia might give some disease-fighter a chance to spread its genes far and wide.

O?Neill?s big problem was that no natural Wolbachia infected A. aegypti. He had to find a way to coax a mosquito to catch the insect disease. ?Everybody said it was a great idea,? he says. ?But we couldn?t get it to work.?

For years he and his colleagues tried to persuade Wolbachia from fruit flies to colonize the mosquito. ?It was a big jump,? he says. ?They would get it, and then it would fall out of the population.?

He did succeed in coaxing the bacteria to grow in lab dishes of cells from mosquitoes, and, although he moved on to other projects and also moved back to his native Australia, he kept those cultures going. When the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced their Grand Challenges funds for edgy science on intractable problems in 2003, O?Neill applied. The foundation also thought the approach was a ?great idea,? he says.

Receiving Gates money brought on a chest-tightening moment for O?Neill. He was delighted to have another chance to try his Wolbachia scheme, but its track record was terrible.

This time, he got his bacteria to infect the mosquitoes and travel from mother to offspring for generations. What made the difference, he speculates, is the four years of growing in mosquito cells.

But the project strategy took a sharp left turn when research showed that Wolbachia could do more than accelerate the spread of some other disease-stopping trait. A strain also shortened the life of its mosquito hosts. Because the dengue pathogen takes time to multiply and render mosquito spit truly dangerous, any shortening of life reduces mosquitoes? abilities to pass along the infection to humans. This Wolbachia strain alone, then, might have a big effect on disease transmission.

Then came another scientific twist from research on fruit flies. A version of the same Wolbachia strain interfered with pathogens multiplying inside the flies. Research confirmed a similar interference in mosquitoes with dengue. So, in the best news for the project yet, a Wolbachia strain not only shortens the life of a mosquito, but also reduces the amount of virus it develops. Wolbachia infection may have two ways to make mosquitoes less likely to transmit dengue ? at least that?s how it plays out in the lab. But the idea needed testing in the field.

To make sure captive-reared Wolbachia carriers have what it takes to go wild, hundreds of thousands of test mosquitoes grow up biting real people. ?We need very, very high-quality mosquitoes,? says geneticist Ary Hoffmann, a collaborator at the University of Melbourne.

Releases in Queensland last year showed that Wolbachia could spread through a wild population. And O?Neill, Hoffmann and their colleagues spent the early months of this year testing the spreading power of a more effective disease-fighting Wolbachia.

As exciting as the Australian and the Oxitec tests are for anyone dreaming of a better mosquito, the efforts are far from any real-world disease control. So far no tests have looked at whether the efforts actually whittle away at dengue.

Neither O?Neill nor Alphey sounds particularly dismayed about how far their projects still have to go. Maybe ? at the risk of speculating too much ? their perseverance comes along with the special point of view it takes to get even this far. Steps forward can?t seem too astonishing or too sudden. The way onward can?t seem overly twisted or steep. Saying somebody has to be a special kind of crazy sounds too rude, but to keep fiddling with tricycles does take openness to the possibility that, despite half a century on the ground, cars really could fly.


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NHL, players' union open labor negotiations

(AP) ? The NHL and the players' union opened negotiations on a new labor deal Friday by meeting for about 2? hours.

Commissioner Gary Bettman and Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly met with NHLPA Executive Director Donald Fehr, union special counsel Steve Fehr and several player reps at the league's Manhattan offices.

"Members of our League Office staff and several of our owners met today with the NHLPA and various members of the players' negotiating committee at the League Office in New York," Daly said in a statement released after the meetings. "The meeting was very cordial and we hope it was constructive.

"Before breaking, the parties discussed follow-up steps and confirmed plans for future meetings. We have nothing further to report at this time."

Washington Capitals owner Ted Leonsis declined to comment as he left the building and hopped into a waiting car.

"Following today's meeting, we will review the NHL's initial presentation with the Players' committee before reconvening for further talks later next week." Donald Fehr said.

Among the players in attendance were Scott Hartnell of the Flyers, Rick DiPietro of the Islanders and George Parros of the Anaheim Ducks, Chris Campoli of the Canadiens, Dan Winnik of the Sharks, Brandon Dubinsky of the Rangers, Brad Boyes of the Sabres, Ron Hainsey of the Jets.

This was the first formal talks between the two sides. They come after the NHLPA's executive board held a three-day meeting in Chicago earlier this week.

The collective bargaining agreement expires Sept. 15. There is fear the league could be heading toward another lockout.

The owners locked out the players in 2004 and it cost the NHL an entire season. The agreement that came out of that deal put in place a salary cap for teams for the first time.

Fehr, the former head of the baseball players' union who was hired by the NHLPA after the last labor deal was cut, said Wednesday at a news conference in Chicago that the players would be willing to start the season without a deal if negotiations were ongoing.

Associated Press


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HelloGiggles ? Why does nobody on The Bachelorette look like me?

First off, let me wholeheartedly declare my love for The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and yes, even its more dysfunctional spin-off, The Bachelor Pad. I even l love The Bachelorette so much that I wrote a blog post about why, despite my love for the show, I would make a horrible contestant.

Like what I assume must be hundreds of thousands of other young women my age, I too engage in the Monday night ritual of watching The Bachelorette, which, for those of you who don?t know, usually involves a few bottles of wine with your girlfriends, hurried and impassioned conversations during commercial breaks and of course, the most important part of the evening, the ?post-screening summit? ? a discussion whose energy would rival that of a G8 summit any day.

Though I am both aware and interested in the many cultural implications that a show like The Bachelor/Bachelorette exposes in our society, there is one particular issue as of late that has my interest especially peaked. As of April 2012, two former African-American cast members are currently suing ABC?s hit television franchise for what they deem to be ?racial discrimination?.

While normally I don?t take the criticisms leveled against The Bachelor/Bachelorette too seriously, claims such as the ?absurdity? of finding a spouse on television or accusations that we are propagating a ?fairy-tale ending? that doesn?t really exist, I strongly feel that the current issue being brought up about racial discrimination on The Bachelor/Bachelorette is one that should be discussed, rather than ignored.

There are a few reasons I feel more strongly on behalf of this particular concern than some of the more tried and true apprehensions regularly surrounding reality-dating shows. First, I myself am a woman of color. Full disclosure: I?m a Cuban, Korean, Filipino first-generation American woman, and my purpose in writing this article is not in hopes of speaking for entire groups of people, but rather to offer a personal narrative about how reality television is currently affecting my own little worldview.

The second reason is a bit more complex. You see, for the most part, I believe that when people choose to watch shows like?The Bachelorette?or?Million Dollar Matchmaker or any other reality television dating series, they kind of know what they are getting themselves into. We expect some sense of suspended reality; in fact, that?s part of the reason we love watching these shows, because even though we know it?s probably not going to work out in the end, we still love watching people ?fall in love?.??However, the danger in giving into that unrealistic ?reality? is that we begin to believe it?s real. Whether we know it or not, everything we read, watch and listen to contributes to our larger ideas about how society works. It gives us our lens by which to frame our real realities. So what does this have to do with racial discrimination?

More than you think. By consistently having not only a majority, but an almost exclusively white cast on The Bachelor/Bachelorette, we are saying, whether intentionally or not, that it is only white people in this country who deserve to have a shot at finding true love.

What?! Some of you maybe reading this and find what I said to be completely absurd? of course that?s not what ABC is trying to say. This may just be to you another classic example of issues of race being blown out of proportion by the media, but I am not attempting to write on behalf of the entire liberal media. Rather, I write on behalf of myself and how the media I watch affects me.

It is strange to grow up in a country like America, so rich in its racial and cultural diversity, and yet find a shockingly lacking picture of that history reflected in our media. If you are not a woman of color, chances are you know someone who is, maybe it?s your co-worker, your neighbor, or even your best friend. Put yourself in our shoes for just a minute and imagine what it?s like to turn on the television and not see a single person that looks like you pass by for ten minutes, thirty minutes, and hour, or even two hours, Though it may not always be on the surface of your mind, a part of you takes note of that, reminding yourself that in many ways you are invisible, and the invisible cannot be beautiful, why they?re not even being seen.

Sometimes when I am watching The Bachelorette and my heart is getting swept away by the building music, the exotic destinations and the 25 beautiful men standing nervously in their suits waiting for a moment to talk to Emily, I try and imagine what it would be like to be in her shoes, but it?s very hard. It?s hard to hear man after man say to the camera that Emily is the most beautiful woman they?ve ever met, when she is actually the complete physical opposite of who I am. She has blond hair, blue eyes, a tiny waist and southern charm, and though I do not count myself an ugly woman, it is hard to think these men would step out of a limousine and lose their words over me. To be honest, it?s even harder to imagine being on The Bachelor than The Bachelorette, where at least I would be making all the calls. While all my friends talk about what their chances would be as contestants on The Bachelor, I can only picture myself being sent home after the first rose ceremony, the only woman of color amongst a sea of beautiful white women.

So you see, at least for me this issue is not one that can be taken lightly, as it is not something that I have the luxury of ignoring. Though invisible to the world of modern American media, when I look in the mirror, I am sure I exist, and I can no longer pretend that not seeing myself on the shows I love and watch is not a disheartening thing. If we want to raise a generation of young, confident women who believe they are beautiful, worthy and capable, then we must make sure that all women, no matter their race, ethnicity or sexual orientation are given an equal opportunity to shine in both the modern media and the real world outside of reality television.

What I am proposing is not an easy fix; it cannot be done overnight or likely even within the next decade, but it is one that starts with people like you, people who read things on the internet, share them with their friends and make their voices heard about the things they care about. Even if you personally are not a woman of color, or even a woman for that matter, you can still help the cause by supporting media that supports others. Whether it?s something as small as reposting this blog, writing ABC or even just making an effort to watch shows that do their best to represent peoples of all colors and all walks of life, then we are one step closer than we were before, and that?s one step closer to making things what they should be.

You can read more from Ashley Perez on her blog.

Featured image via.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Tab Ban the Latest Stumble on a Road to Success

Samsung is finding the climb to the top of the mobile industry to be a slippery one.

In Samsung?s ongoing patent disputes with Apple, a U.S. District judge in California, Lucy Koh, sided with Apple June 26, ruling that Samsung?s Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet should not be available for sale in the United States. Following rulings in Germany and Australia, hers was the third court to decide this.

?Although Samsung has a right to compete, it does not have a right to compete unfairly, by flooding the market with infringing products,? Koh wrote, according to a report from Reuters. The order will become effective once Apple posts a $2.6 million bond, meant to protect Samsung from any damages suffered, should the injunction later be found to be incorrect.

Even with this safety net in place, Samsung?s legal team didn?t rest for a moment. The lawyers filed an appeal approximately five hours later??record time,? wrote consultant and patent expert Florian Mueller on his Foss Patents blog. Mueller added that the ruling gives strength to Apple?s ?copycat? allegations, which say the iPad and Galaxy Pad 10.1 are ?substantially similar.? In court, according to Mueller, Koh held up both devices at a distance, and Samsung?s legal counsel was unable to tell them apart. Not great for Samsung?s argument.

In competing against the Apple iPhone, Samsung would appear to be having better luck. Sales of its Galaxy S III smartphone are expected to exceed 10 million units by July, JK Shin, head of Samsung?s mobile division, told reporters earlier this week, adding that second-quarter revenue is expected to exceed that of its first.

During the first quarter of 2012, Apple?s smartphone sales increased 88.7 percent year-over-year. ?Samsung?s smartphone shipments grew 267 percent during that time, according to IDC.

Meeting such demand, however, is proving trickier than Samsung expected, and now it isn?t expected to deliver the devices before the close of its second-quarter, June 30, shifting its revenue to the second half of the year.

Investment firm Barclays cut its second-quarter Samsung Galaxy S III sales forecast but raised its forecast for the third-quarter.

After debuting in 28 countries May 29, the Galaxy S III was to launch in the United States on the Sprint and T-Mobile networks June 21, before continuing on to Verizon Wireless, AT&T and U.S. Cellular. When the date arrived, however, T-Mobile had only 16GB models in stock. Sprint was made to issue a statement saying that due to worldwide ?overwhelming demand,? it had zilch to offer.

On June 28 Sprint finally shared that 16GB and 32GB models, in both blue and white, will be available July 1.

AT&T has been coy about the phone?s sales date all along, saying it will ship in July, but now it, too, is citing ?supply constraints,? and with July nearing, it still has no firm date for shipping even preordered devices.

The Verizon Wireless site maintains that its Galaxy S III devices will ship by July 11.

Samsung is said to also be dealing with the matter of competitors swarming it in the low-end smartphone market, forcing the company to consider price dips on already inexpensive phones designed for markets such as China. However, analysts told The Wall Street Journal, according to a June 28 report, that as long as sales of high-end smartphones remain strong, no one is too concerned.

?We are convinced that the company?s earnings cycle is still far from the peak,? brokerage firm Barclays reported, according to The Journal.

While Samsung may occasionally lose its footing, unlike too many of its competitors, it is at least on the right road and headed in the right direction.

Follow Michelle Maisto on Twitter.


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Parting Schotts: WNYT's Catalon to call tennis at London Olympics

NBC13 (WNYT) sports reporter and weekend anchor Andrew Catalon has another Olympic Games assignment.

Catalon will call several tennis matches from Wimbledon during the Games in London July 27-Aug. 12. NBC announced its announcers lineup Thursday.

The Olympic tennis will be shown on Bravo starting July 28. The tennis competition lasts just the first week of the Games.

This will be Catalon's third Olympics assignment. In the 2008 Summer Games from Beijing, he called team handball from NBC's New York studios. Two years ago, he did curling from the Winter Games in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Catalon is no stranger to calling tennis matches. He has worked for CBS Sports on its 3D coverage of the U.S. Open the last two years.

"Honored to be working my 3rd Olympics for NBC," Catalon tweeted. "As a tennis fan, I'm beyond thrilled to be doing tennis play-by-play from Wimbledon."

Here is a rundown of NBC?s Olympic roster from the press release:


The 2012 London Games will be Bob Costas? 10th for NBC and his ninth as primetime host. After serving as late night host in 1988 from Seoul, South Korea, Costas earned acclaim for his work as primetime host from Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney, Salt Lake City, Athens, Torino, Beijing and Vancouver. Costas, who has the longest tenure of the network?s sports commentators, joined NBC in 1980.

Al Michaels, one of the most renowned commentators of all-time and whose legendary ?Do you believe in miracles? Yes!? call at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympic Games 32 years ago stands as one of the most famous calls in sports history, will work his second straight Olympics for NBC, serving as host of NBC?s live weekend and weekday daytime coverage from London. Michaels was the daytime host at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games in 2010, his first Olympic broadcast assignment in 22 years, when he covered hockey and hosted the Closing Ceremony at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics for ABC.

Dan Patrick will make his Olympic hosting debut, joining Michaels as host of NBC?s live weekday and weekend daytime coverage from London. Patrick, host of Football Night in America and the Dan Patrick Show, served as an Olympic correspondent for NBC in Vancouver.

Mary Carillo will host NBC?s late-night coverage for the third time, reprising her role from Beijing and Vancouver. Carillo will also serve as an Olympic correspondent and provide a look into life in the United Kingdom through a collection of features done in her own inimitable style, similar to her acclaimed work during the Beijing and Vancouver Games. London is Carillo?s 11th Olympic Games and eighth for NBC.


Michelle Beadle makes her Olympic debut as a host on NBC Sports Network?s coverage from London. She will also serve as a correspondent for Access Hollywood during the Games. Beadle joined NBCUniversal in May of this year.

Liam McHugh, one of the emerging voices in sports television today, continues to add to his rapidly growing workload as he hosts NBC Sports Network?s coverage from London. McHugh recently hosted NBC and NBC Sports Network?s studio coverage of the Stanley Cup Final.

Willie Geist, host of MSNBC?s Up Way Too Early and co-host of Morning Joe, makes his Olympic debut as a host of NBC Sports Network?s coverage from London.


Kelly Tilghman, a member of Golf Channel?s original cast and one of the network?s most versatile anchors, makes her Olympic debut as host of MSNBC?s coverage from 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

Rob Simmelkjaer will make his Olympic debut as host of MSNBC?s coverage from 30 Rock. Simmelkjaer, who also serves as Senior Vice President of NBC Sports Ventures, is a host on the NBC Sports? Update Desk and NBC SportsTalk on the NBC Sports Network.


Fred Roggin, the sports director at KNBC-TV, NBC?s owned-and-operated station in Los Angeles, will host CNBC?s Boxing coverage from 30 Rockefeller Plaza, his seventh Olympics assignment for NBC. Roggin?s previous Olympic assignments have included hosting curling coverage from the 2010 Vancouver Games and the 2006 Torino Games; CNBC?s coverage from the Athens Games; serving on the ?Special Features Unit? at the Salt Lake Games in 2002; and working as the boxing reporter at the 2000 Sydney Games. Joining Roggin in the studio will be Laila Ali, a former professional boxer and daughter of legend Muhammad Ali, making her Olympic broadcasting debut.


Pat O?Brien, a veteran of five Olympic Games as a commentator, will serve as host of tennis coverage on Bravo. The London Games will be O?Brien?s fourth Olympics for NBC and sixth overall. He last worked for NBCUniversal at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.


Top TV broadcaster Ryan Seacrest will make his Olympic broadcasting debut, serving as a contributor for NBC?s primetime coverage from London.

Legendary tennis star and broadcaster John McEnroe will make his Olympic broadcasting debut in London. McEnroe, who has served as a tennis analyst for NBC since 1992, and dominated the tennis world in the 1980?s, winning three Wimbledon and four U.S. Open titles, will serve as an Olympic correspondent on NBC?s primetime coverage.

Bela Karolyi, arguably the most successful coach in gymnastics history, is one of his sports? most-recognized personalities. He has coached and trained world-renowned gymnasts for the Olympic Games from 1976-2004, and returns to NBC as an Olympic correspondent, the same roll he filled during the Beijing Olympics.

Jimmy Roberts, a 13-time Emmy Award winner, will contribute feature stories and essays and serve as an Olympic correspondent during NBC?s daytime coverage.


Shaun White, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, and Jimmy Fallon, host of NBC?s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, will serve as guest commentators during portions the London Games.


NBC?s signature announce teams return in gymnastics, swimming, track and field and diving. Following is a partial rundown, sport-by-sport. A complete roster is attached.

GYMNASTICS: Play-by-play commentator Al Trautwig is once again joined by Olympic gold medalist Tim Daggett and Elfi Schlegel, who have provided analysis on NBC?s Olympic gymnastics coverage since the 1992 Barcelona Games, and veteran Olympic reporter Andrea Joyce. Bela Karolyi, arguably the most successful coach in the history of his sport and one of its most recognized personalities, who has coached and trained world-renowned gymnasts for the past eight Olympics, will serve as a gymnastics studio analyst, reprising his role from Beijing.

SWIMMING: Dan Hicks has the call alongside analyst Rowdy Gaines ? working their fifth Olympics together ? with Andrea Kremer reporting in her second Olympics. Gaines, who won three gold medals at the 1984 Los Angeles Games, is working his sixth Olympics for NBC.

TRACK & FIELD: Tom Hammond, who has won acclaim for his memorable calls at the last five Summer Olympics, will once again call track & field. Ato Boldon (second Olympic Games) and Dwight Stones (11th Olympic Games), return as analysts, with Lewis Johnson (fifth Olympic Games) serving as a reporter. Craig Masback, who worked as a track & field commentator for NBC in Barcelona in 1992, Atlanta in 1996 and Beijing in 2008, returns to provide analysis on the men?s marathon and distance races. Tim Hutchings, a former middle-distance runner who represented Great Britain at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, will provide analysis on the marathons.

DIVING: Ted Robinson, working his fifth Olympics, debuted as the diving play-by-play commentator for the 2004 Athens Games. Cynthia Potter, who made three Olympic teams and won bronze in 1976, returns as analyst, a role she?s handled for NBC since the 1992 Games. Alex Flanagan will report from the diving venue. London is her second Olympic assignment, having served as a sports desk reporter in Vancouver and as host of CNBC and USA Network?s coverage during Beijing.

BASKETBALL: Bob Fitzgerald, the voice of the Golden State Warriors for CSN Bay Area, will handle the play-by-play of the men?s and women?s competitions, his second Olympic broadcast assignment. He called the water polo competition in Beijing. He is joined by two respected analysts: Philadelphia 76ers Head Coach Doug Collins (men?s), and Basketball Hall-of-Famer Ann Meyers (women?s). Collins, a member of the 1972 U.S. Olympic basketball team, takes on his third Olympic broadcasting assignment. Meyers, who won silver as a member of the U.S. Olympic basketball team in 1976, is working her fourth Olympics as a broadcaster. Craig Sager returns as reporter for both men?s and women?s hoops, a role he?s held since the 2000 Sydney Games. Boston Celtics head coach Doc Rivers will make his Olympic broadcasting debut as a studio analyst in London.

BOXING: Bob Papa and analyst Teddy Atlas will call boxing. London is Papa?s eighth Olympics, including calling boxing in Barcelona in 1992, Atlanta in 1996, Athens in 2004 and Beijing in 2008. He also called water polo in Sydney in 2000 and a variety of winter sports in Salt Lake City in 2002, Torino in 2006 and Vancouver in 2010. Atlas analyzed the boxing competition from Sydney in 2000, Athens in 2004 and Beijing in 2008. Russ Thaler will serve as the boxing reporter, his first Olympic assignment.

SOCCER: NBC?s MLS play-by-play commentator Arlo White will call his first Olympics, working alongside men?s analyst Kyle Martino, who is also working his first Olympic Games, and women?s analyst Brandi Chastain, calling her second Olympics. Martino was a long-time Major League Soccer player, having played for the All Star team in 2003, and was 2002 MLS Rookie of the Year. Chastain has played in three Olympics (Athens, Sydney and Atlanta) and three Women?s World Cups (1991, 1999 and 2003). Reporter Drea Avent, in her Olympic debut, will cover women?s soccer in London.

BEACH VOLLEYBALL: Chris Marlowe (play-by-play) won a gold medal as captain of the 1984 U.S. Olympic volleyball team, and will return for his sixth Olympics as an NBC commentator. Kevin Wong (analyst) is making his Olympic debut. Wong is a beach volleyball Olympian, and a three-time All-American at UCLA where he led the Bruins to two NCAA Championships in 93? and 95?. Heather Cox returns for her third Olympics as a reporter.

VOLLEYBALL: Paul Sunderland, a member of the gold medal-winning U.S. volleyball team at the 1984 Olympics, returns to call indoor volleyball, an assignment he had for NBC in Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney and Beijing. He is joined by two-time Olympian Kevin Barnett, in his second straight Olympic assignment.

WATER POLO: Emmy award-winning Mike ?Doc? Emrick, the voice of the NHL on NBC and NBC Sport Network, will serve as the water polo play-by-play announcer for the second time, a role he served in Athens in 2004. Emrick worked six Winter Games as the play-by-play voice of men and women?s hockey. He is joined by Wolf Wigo, a three-time Olympian and former captain of U.S. men?s water polo team, and Julie Swail, former captain of the U.S. women?s water polo team that earned the silver medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Swail participated in NBC?s broadcast in 2004 as a water polo analyst in Athens. In 2008, she competed in the triathlon at the Beijing Olympics. She will also serve as the analyst for the triathlon competition.

WRESTLING: Jason Knapp makes his Olympic debut as wrestling play-by-play announcer. He is joined by Olympic gold medalist and American wrestling legend Rulon Gardner, who will participate in his second Olympic broadcast after being an analyst in the 2008 Beijing Games. In 2000 at the Sydney Olympics, Gardner won the gold after defeating Aleksander Karelin. Karelin had been undefeated for 13 years and had not given up a point in six years prior to his loss in the gold-medal match to Gardner. At the end of the 2000 Olympics, Gardner was selected to serve as the U.S. flag bearer at the Closing Ceremony. He then followed with a bronze in 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens, where he left his shoes on the mat, the sport?s traditional symbol of retirement.

NBCUniversal will provide 5,535 hours of coverage for the 2012 London Olympics across NBC, NBC Sports Network, MSNBC, CNBC, Bravo, Telemundo,, two specialty channels, and the first-ever 3D platform, an unprecedented level that surpasses the coverage of the 2008 Beijing Olympics by nearly 2,000 hours. The 5,535 hours are the equivalent of 231 days of coverage.



Al Trautwig, Play-by-play

Elfi Schlegel, Analyst

Tim Daggett, Analyst

Andrea Joyce, Reporter


Andrea Joyce, Play-by-play

Elfi Schlegel, Analyst


Tom Hammond, Play-by-play

Ato Boldon, Analyst

Dwight Stones, Analyst

Craig Masback, Analyst

Tim Hutchings, Analyst

Lewis Johnson, Reporter


Randy Moss, Play-by-play

Chris Maddocks, Analyst


Dan Hicks, Play-by-play

Rowdy Gaines, Analyst

Andera Kremer, Reporter


Steve Schlanger, Play-by-play

Rowdy Gaines, Analyst


Ted Robinson, Play-by-play

Cynthia Potter, Analyst

Alex Flanagan, Reporter


Chris Marlowe, Play-by-play

Kevin Wong, Analyst

Heather Cox, Reporter


Paul Sunderland, Play-by-play

Kevin Barnett, Analyst


Steve Schlanger, Play-by-play

Paul Sherwen, Analyst

Todd Harris, Reporter


Todd Harris, Play-by-play

Paul Sherwen, Analyst

CYCLING (BMX/Mountain Bike)

Todd Harris, Play-by-play

Jamie Bestwick, Analyst


Steve Schlanger, Play-by-play

Julie Swail, Analyst


Bob Fitzgerald, Play-by-play (London)

Chris Carrino, Play-by-play

Dave Strader, Play-by-play

Doug Collins, Analyst (London)

Ann Meyers, Analyst (London)

Tim Capstraw, Analyst

Donny Marshall, Analyst

Lisa Leslie, Analyst

Carolyn Peck, Analyst

Craig Sager, Reporter (London)

Doc Rivers, Studio Analyst (London)


Terry Gannon, Play-by-play

Yaz Farooq, Analyst

CANOEING (Flat Water):

Terry Gannon, Play-by-play

Eric Giddens, Analyst

CANOEING (White Water):

Randy Moss, Play-by-play

Eric Giddens, Analyst


Randy Moss, Play-by-play

Heather Olson, Analyst


Jason Knapp, Play-by-play

Rulon Gardner, Analyst


Mike Emrick, Play-by-play

Wolf Wigo, Analyst

Julie Swail, Analyst


Bob Papa, Play-by-play

Teddy Atlas, Analyst

Russ Thaler, Reporter


Eli Bremer, Analyst


Jim Watson, Play-by-play

Shane Hamman, Analyst


Tim Ryan, Play-by-play

Melanie Smith-Taylor, Analyst


Arlo White, Play-by-play (London)

JP Dellacamera, Play-by-play

Glenn Davis, Play-by-play

Steve Cangialosi, Play-by-play

Allen Hopkins, Play-by-play and Analyst

Kyle Martino, Analyst (London)

Marcelo Balboa, Analyst

Shep Messing, Analyst

Cobi Jones, Analyst

Brandi Chastain, Analyst (London)

Kate Markgraf, Analyst

Cat Whitehill, Analyst

Angela Hucles, Analyst

Drea Avent, Reporter (London)


Brett Haber, Play-by-play

Andrew Catalon, Play-by-play

Ted Robinson, Play-by-play (Men?s Final)

Justin Gimbelstob, Analyst

Rennae Stubbs, Analyst

John McEnroe, Analyst (Men?s Final)

Jon Wertheim, Reporter


Mike Gorman, Play-by-play

Dawn Lewis, Analyst


Ari Wolfe, Play-by-play

Sean O?Neill, Analyst


Jim Kozimor, Play-by-play

Steve Kearney, Analyst


Craig Hummer, Play-by-play

Jeff Bukantz, Analyst


Craig Hummer, Play-by-play

Jason Knapp, Play-by-play

Rick McKinney, Analyst


Craig Hummer, Play-by-play

Jason Knapp, Play-by-play

Shari LeGate, Analyst


Mike Corey, Play-by-play

Missy Meharg, Analyst


Craig Hummer, Play-by-play

Leo White, Analyst


Lester Holt

Michele Tafoya

Tamron Hall

Pierre McGuire

Stephanie Gosk

Carolyn Manno

Marshall Harris

Dr. Nancy Snyderman

Apolo Ohno


Andres Cantor, Host

Jessi Losada

M?nica Noguera

Sammy Sadovnik

Edgar Lopez

Ren? Giraldo

Karim Mendiburu

Kaziro Aoyama

Oscar Guzm?n

Leti Coo

Ver?nica Contreras


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Health & Fitness

Back pain can make your life hard to deal with sometimes. This article will provide you with some tips and techniques to help manage your pain. Read this article thoroughly and find the tips that work for you!

A poor positioning on and off the computer is responsible for a lot of the back pain that we face. If you work at a computer desk, make sure the monitor and keyboard are in front of your face, at eye level.

The mattress you choose can either be the problem or the solution when it comes to your back troubles. A good thing for the spine is a mattress that is medium-firm. If you are sleeping on a mattress that is too soft, your spine will move too much. If the mattress is too firm, it will not let your spine relax enough. Look for the comfortable middle zone in mattresses that gives decent support, and yet still is comfortable.

If you suffer from chronic back pain, you should try to relax. A simple way to do this is through the use of proper breathing techniques. Learn and work on different types of breathing techniques to relieve your back pain. This can help you to avoid a back pain crisis, or simply decrease your pain to a tolerable level.

A massage can be very helpful. A good masseuse has the ability to keep your pain from getting any worse. Daily life is stressful and it can really take a toll on your back. A nice massage from time to time can alleviate back pain.

Maintaining good posture is something that you should always strive for, but it is especially important in this position. Follow proper posture when sitting, including keeping your back straight, having both feet onto the floor and keeping your down as you type. Avoid craning your neck or having to look down to view your computer screen.

Do you suffer from a sore, aching back? Try not to do a lot of twisting motions during the day. No matter what you?re doing, too much twisting your back can injure it. When participating in sports, be mindful of your spinal movements; slow yourself down if you experience any sensations of tightness or pain.

A healthy diet will almost always include large amounts of water, preferably up to 62 ounces daily. Preventing back pain is just one thing a healthy diet can help you with. This helps you get a leaner body and can prevent pressure on the back, and there are necessary nutrients that can eliminate your back pain.

Provide your back with needed support. An articulating arm is office equipment that can lessen the strain on your back. This piece of equipment swings your computer monitor aside when necessary.

Many people suffer from back pain. Some estimate that roughly two out of every three people suffer from some sort of back problem at some point in their lives. Lots of people believe a single thing or something that occurred prior to having the pain is the trigger that caused their back pain. Usually, it?s many events that contribute to back pain.

The ideas in the preceding paragraphs have assisted a number of folks who are afflicted with back pain. Use the information that you learned here so you can get that needed relief from all those painful aches you suffer from on a daily basis.

Searching for treatment options for burning pain in middle of back? Discover help with us.

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by Shellie on June 27, 2012
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Happy 28th Birthday, Khloe Kardashian!

Khloe Kardashian turns 28 years old today, and the reality star has reportedly started the process of getting herself the most beautiful birthday present possible: a baby!

Yes, folks, Khloe has started fertility treatments, according to multiple reports.

Khloe Image

Aside from that major step, Khloe's life is relatively calm when compared to her sisters. She isn't dating the world's most famous rapper or battling with ex in court.

She isn't pregnant, nor is she dating Scott Disick, a man who constantly makes John Mayer look UN-douchebag-like.

Instead, Khloe just appears on her family's scripted reality show, poses on many red carpets and appears genuinely happy in her marriage to Lamar Odom. Those two certainly showed us!

So on a day where Ed Westwick turns 25 and Tobey Maguire 37, we choose to single out Khloe Kardashian for being the least irritating of all Kardashians. And we honor her with the following photo montage:

Kardashians in UnderwearKhloe Kardashian Promo PictureKhloe Kardashian Cosmo CoverKhloe Kardashian, Yo!Kardashian Kollection Lingerie Ad

Shot of Khloe KardashianKim, Kourtney and Khloe ToplessNot a Kardashian?!?A Kiss from KhloeLamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian Together

Khloe Kardashian Us Weekly CoverKhloe and Lamar on the Red CarpetKardashians in LingerieKardashian Kollection Premiere PicKhloe Kardashian Lucky Cover

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Video: NY to build largest-ever ferris wheel?

>>> tourist destination in that city, is the ferris wheel they call the london eye . it's a massive thing, looming 440 feet above the skyline. now there's a report that new york city is planning a bigger one just across new york harbor on staten island . perhaps to take advantage of the 2 million tourists each year who take a beautiful and free ride across the staten island ferry .

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Court: Can EPA regulate mud from logging roads?

GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) ? The timber industry is hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court will maintain business as usual on controlling muddy water running off logging roads into salmon streams.

The high court decided Monday to take up a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that federal regulators should treat stormwater on industrial timberlands the same as pollution discharged from a factory, changing the longstanding practice that treats it like water coming off farm fields.

The ruling on an Oregon case would apply to logging roads on state, private and national forest lands throughout the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit, which covers much of the West. Most of the roads are graveled, but some are paved or bare dirt.

Tom Partin, president of the American Forest Resource Council, said increased regulation would cost money and offer conservation groups new opportunities for blocking logging without producing any cleaner water.

"Over the years, we have been able to continually improve our practices as we have learned more about the environment," he said in a statement. "Water flowing from our forests is high quality,"

Paul Kampmeier, a lawyer for the Washington Forest Law Center, which represents conservationists, said the high court was presented with arguments urging them to take up the case from 26 states, including Oregon, as well as the timber industry.

"I think the defendant, or the petitioners now, did a very good job of making it sound like the sky is falling," if the ruling stands, Kampmeier said. "Congress is political, and there is political pressure on EPA...I think we will get a fair and impartial ruling from the Supreme Court."

The appeals court ruled in 2010 that the muddy water running off roads used in industrial logging is the same as any other industrial pollution, requiring a Clean Water Act permit from EPA. Scientists have long identified sediment running into salmon streams from erosion as a leading cause of habitat loss because it chokes off the gravel beds where salmon lay their eggs.

The case was brought by the Northwest Environmental Defense Center in Portland, Ore., against the Oregon Department of Forestry over logging roads on the Tillamook State Forest.

The Obama administration petitioned the Supreme Court not to take the case. It argued that while it felt the appeals court ruling was wrong, there was no reason for the Supreme Court to get involved, because Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency were taking steps already.

Last May, EPA formally proposed to revise stormwater regulations to say logging roads don't need the point-source pollution permits that factories must get, effectively blunting the ruling.

Instead, the roads would be regulated under a less stringent system known as "Best Management Practices," where authorities set up guidelines for the design and maintenance of logging roads to minimize erosion that sends mud into rivers. EPA started reviewing how states and tribes handle the issue, and planned to put out new rules by Sept. 30, when an exemption for the timber industry enacted by Congress expires.

Dave Tenny, president of the National Alliance of Forest Owners, questioned the need for EPA to continue developing new regulations for logging roads now that the issue would be decided by the high court.

"The basic question in the case is what kind of deference the courts give an agency to interpret the statutes and their own regulations," Tenny said. "The 9th Circuit interjected itself into the realm of the regulatory agency. And that's inappropriate."

Oregon Department of Forestry spokesman Dan Postrel said the current system has done a good job of protecting water quality for many years without federal permits.

Kampmeier said only roads with trucks actively hauling timber that discharge water into streams would require permits.

"We have confidence the Supreme Court will agree that when the EPA said discharges associated with industrial logging activities requires a permit, EPA is allowed to say that," he said.

Asked whether it would continue working on new regulations, an EPA spokeswoman referred comment to the U.S. Department of Justice, which declined to comment on pending litigation.

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Edinburgh TED conference studies internet's impact

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Tyler Perry Brings Matthew Fox To Hell In 'Alex Cross' Trailer

Matthew Fox is a man of many weapons: sniper rifles, bazookas, explosive disc thingies and "your wife is so pretty" jokes. With all of these weapons at his disposal, he can feel free to ignore the memo warning him not to cross Alex Cross. We'll be standing right behind him, by the way. Fox's descent [...]

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Los Angeles Is Tron's World [Video]

You can argue that using a Daft Punk soundtrack would make any timelapse of any city to look like Tron's world. But no, Tron's world clearly has to be Los Angeles, with its never ending traffic flow zooming through its infinite grid of light. Watch till the end and you will see what I mean. [Thanks Jordan!] More »

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