Saturday, May 19, 2012

For tech companies, patents can be cash cows, huge legal expense |

May 18, 2012

While most people?s eyes glaze over when you mention patents and intellectual property law, they can have a significant impact on a company?s bottom line ? both in revenues and legal fees. Microsoft, to name one Puget Sound-area company, is involved in more than 60 patent infringement lawsuits, according to recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings. While the company wouldn?t tell me how much it spends on legal fees, a survey published by the American Intellectual Property Law Association?

See the rest here:
For tech companies, patents can be cash cows, huge legal expense


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Personal trainer course-success step in fitness career

This article has been viewed 37 times.

Deciding to get healthy and fit is the best step that one can make in his life. Great health not gives energy and increase personal health, but also increases your joy and happiness and reduces the level of stress. To become healthy, people just take a membership of any gymnasium and never visit again because of less motivation and laziness. So they are not become fit and healthy at all. Health related issues among people dramatically increase the demand of personal trainer.

Personal trainer is a professional that is involved in exercise instruction and prescription. He sets goal for the exercise and provide feedback on that. It is his duty to motivate his clients by given them task. Trainers check the client?s weakness on different points by fitness assessment and provide solution to them. He is the person who is responsible for maintaining positive vibes in the gym so that environment of gym will be according to client?s need.

For a personal trainer, personal trainer course is really must. These courses increase your knowledge related to all the health issues and able to answer all the questions of your clients. To become a successful personal trainer these courses are must. There are various institutions that conducting these certification courses for personal trainer. Various types of courses are going in these institutions. You have to select according to your criteria. There are short-term, long-term and fast track courses are running. If you are experienced and working and don?t have time to join any course, but still wants to enhance your knowledge in the fitness field then some institutions provide the facility to take online courses. You don?t have to go regularly to that institution. You can learn from your home.

Take any personal trainer course is not enough. Your course should be recognized and accredited then only it adds some value in your career. It is the important task to choose the best course from the best institution. Some institution provide you to take the course, but they are not good at all and after passing from these institution you did not gain anything and it is completely a wastage of money and time both.

Good institutions provide you many facilities like different types of courses are running there. You have the choice to select the best course, which is more in demand. All the study material related to personal trainer course is provided to you. They have very qualified and experienced professional that gives you theoretical as well practical training. Don?t go for cheaper cost course. Good institution provides flexible payment facility.

After passing from these courses, you are a different personality and have better opportunities in fitness career.


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Friday, May 18, 2012

The Ultimate List of Reasons Why You Need Search ... - Deon Designs

Reasons To Buy SEOYou?ve heard about SEO. You?re convinced SEO works very well for different kinds of online business. What you probably wonder is why?it?s so powerful.

That?s why I wrote this report ? to show you not one, not five, not ten? but twenty-eight different reasons to buy
SEO. To see why SEO is so powerful. To spotlight the role it can play in marketing and communicating.

A few weeks ago, Search Engine Land carried my article about the difficulty of pricing SEO services and it got a lot of positive response.

People reached out with new questions, and shared challenges they faced along the SEO sales process, as they struggled to convince internal managers and CEOs about the value of optimizing for search engines, and getting them to expand their marketing budgets for SEO.

Those questions and issues are addressed in this article ? beginning with the most compelling reason? why buying SEO is such a good idea.

1. ?SEO Is Not A Cost But An Investment

An investment with a high return. By tying in SEO to Web analytics data, you may observe certain keywords having great conversion rates for which you rank only on page #2 on Google and know that you?re leaving money on the table.

Lifting your rank to the top 3 spots on the first page, where most clicks go, can provide a massive return on your modest investment into SEO. It?s why SEO has been likened to investing in real estate?- the returns can be truly stupendous when you get it right.

2. ?SEO Turns The Spotlight On Your Sales Rockstar

And who would that be? Your website!

Think about it. It?s open 7 days a week, all year long, and never calls in sick or reports late to work. It does whatever it?s told to do, and pulls in sales, leads and opt-ins like clockwork. Your website is your ?perfect employee?, multitasking effectively, tackling thousands of prospects at once, and only limited by what you ask of it.

Search engine optimization lavishes attention on your sales rock-star, generating the highest performance by giving it the right emphasis and focus in your marketing arsenal.

3. ?SEO Is A Crucial Part Of Your Marketing Mix

If you?ve read my other posts here on Search Engine Land, you?ll already know that I?m clear about the importance of SEO for marketing any business. SEO is the master when it comes to pulling in prospects, and can help boost conversions too.

But I also believe that SEO is not the only game in town! SEO alone cannot help you reach your highest marketing potential. Social media, branding and other marketing strategies segue into and complement SEO, the combination strengthening and reinforcing each element to grow your business exponentially? faster.

As a manager or CEO then, your challenge isn?t about picking one over another, but how best to intelligently integrate SEO into your marketing mix to reap rich rewards.

And that?s why this isn?t a ?battle between marketers?, with specialists in each branch trying to out-sell the other to their clients, but rather an opportunity for collaboration and partnership in leading a business manager or CEO towards the right mix of marketing services ? including SEO ? that will bring the highest cumulative benefit.

Instead of always ?giving customers what they want?, it?s time to face the fact that, often, clients do not know how to select from the diverse options at their disposal.

As professionals, marketers and SEO consultants must not be dismissive or misleading about other specialties than their own, but instead help clients build the right foundation, mix and plan, and then guide them to effectively implement and manage the most cost effective, high-return strategies and tactics that are aligned with their overall business goals.

A part of the responsibility professional marketers share is to steer clients away from danger, or stop them from embracing populist tactics that will actually turn out to be a quagmire in which their business gets stuck, or quicksand into which it gradually sinks without a trace. In my opinion, ?not telling the full truth? is just the same as ?lying?. This approach may not work for every company. Some might even frown at your desire to step outside your scope and field of expertise.

But for small and medium businesses and start ups, by adopting such an advisory/consultative role and offering professional advice, reaching out a helping hand to offer ?business development? advice, and showing rock-solid proof to back up your offerings, prices and advice, you can go a long way in building trust. At that point, clients will be willing to follow you, even when you suggest an approach that points in another direction than what they believed would be the right choice.

It bears to always keep in mind that clients are buying a consultant?s expertise only because they don?t have it themselves, and therefore they are (logically) unable to ask for the ?perfect offer?.? Selling them whatever they ask for is often not in their best interests. And this is just as true for big brands with internal staff as it is for smaller businesses.

4. ?SEO Impacts The Research/Buying Cycle

SEO will increase your sales without proportionately increasing your marketing costs, thereby growing profits exponentially and over time. SEO can further all your business goals at a better ROI than most other comparable forms of online marketing because of this fundamental effect of better conversions and more sales at little incremental cost.

Assuming that everybody has heard about your brand or thinks that you?re the best place to buy can be a very costly mistake. People are constantly researching good deals, and are using the social-driven Web for comparison shopping. And price conscious shopping behavior is more common in tough financial times, when consumers spend their money more cautiously.

SEO plays an important role in this research and buying cycle. It?s like a prospect magnet, attracting potential buyers to your website through critical and relevant keywords and phrases ranked high in search engines where searchers are already looking for information about them. It?s about being where your customers are, and directing them towards solutions you offer them.

5. ?SEO Pricing Is Variable

Pricing SEO services is difficult (even though some argue that it?s really simple, as you can see from the discussion around my earlier post titled,?How Much Does SEO Cost?).

There are no universal standards by which you can fix a ?rate card? for SEO services. Keyword analysis, link building and other SEO activities are unique, customized and tailored differently for specific situations. And even among SEO providers, there is a wide range in quality. There are seasoned professionals and there are scammers, amateurs and ignorant practitioners.

But as the person in charge of your company?s SEO, you are the most ?dangerous? person involved? because the responsibility for your choices rests on your shoulders! Before you pick the cheapest or most expensive proposal, the limited or more comprehensive one, the one from experienced pros versus an SEO-savvy cousin or friend, be sure to read How Much Does SEO Cost? to understand the nuances and nitty gritty details.

As a specialized service, SEO involves teams of people working behind the scenes. Giving them a small budget practically ties their hands, and you cannot expect stellar results from their restrained effort.

If you are not yet convinced about the synergies involved and how these facets interact together, then don?t be afraid to ask for an SEO pre-analysis, even if it means paying a modest fee for it.? That?s a safe investment and worth more if it convinces you about the real value in adopting an SEO strategy.

Misconceptions about SEO abound, and this excellent book called ?The Art of SEO? has really great examples. Some popular myths include:

  • SEO goals (?we?ll build you 100 links per month?) matter more than business goals (?we?ll grow your profits by 5%?).
  • SEO exists in a vacuum and doesn?t integrate with other parts of the enterprise.
  • SEO techniques are better implemented on marketing concepts and product titles, regardless of search volumes and popularity.
  • SEO activities can be carried out without need for co-ordination and oversight by a supervisor.
  • Leave SEO to the developers (?Trust them, everything will be ok!?).

There are many more in the article,?24 Ways To Make Life Hard For Your SEO Team.

6. ?SEO Is Never Too Costly!

Nowhere else in marketing is it likely to pay off by being a contrarian as with choosing the right SEO company. In comparing several companies, you?re often tempted to pick the least expensive pitch, while it may actually be a smart choice to pick the most expensive one!

How? SEO is not a cost. It?s an investment. And even if the highest priced SEO company charges you twice as much as the rest, as a marketing manager or decision maker, you should look deeper into why they are so expensive. What makes them so confident as to pitch you with an offer others would toss into the dust-bin without a second thought?

If the more expensive SEO company helps you reach your financial goals and growth targets in half the time at twice the price, is it really ?expensive?? Let?s say I offer to pay you $4 for every dollar you give me, how much money would you give me today, assuming you?re convinced I won?t take your cash and run away?

That?s where SEO pre-analysis can help. If the study proves that your market is big enough to drive enough volume, the competition is weak enough for you to fight and win, and your experience with SEO consultants and SEO firms over time shows that you are getting a larger amount of targeted traffic from their efforts. If this traffic converts at a high rate into sales and profit, then the impact on your business from this SEO campaign will be responsible for well more than ?4 dollars for one? over time.

Is it time, then, to step back and take a harder look at the allocation of your marketing budget? Should you be looking to reap the potential of SEO, and grab the low hanging fruit within your easy reach?

This isn?t an emotional decision. It?s based on logic and hard data. ?Costly? SEO is like buying an automobile. Why does a Ferrari cost more than a VW Beetle? There are many good reasons and similar ones apply to SEO.

7. ?SEO Isn?t Icing On The Cake ? It?s An Important Ingredient

Ok, now that you?ve spent a fortune on your new website (and it looks great!), the last thing you want is to listen to a consultant who asks you to invest even more money to be visible on search engines.

But Google needs help in understanding your business. SEO that?s effectively woven into your site?s DNA can help showcase your business on search engines in the best possible light.

As an SEO consultant, I get called in by companies that have built a ?state of art? website and want SEO slapped on it. But that isn?t how it works. You don?t bake your cake first, and then pour beaten eggs over it, or sprinkle sugar on top. No. You mix those ingredients in with the batter itself.

Taking SEO into consideration even while planning your website structure, content management system (CMS), URL syntax, and Web design gives the best results for your business. It can help you map old URLs to new ones, tailor your landing pages to user intent, lead prospects along a ?buying slope? and preserve old rankings that took years of work to achieve.

While an SEO consultant can help you (a lot) even if you started in the wrong order, it will take more time, more effort, more money, and some major restructuring work to get it done later on.

8. ?SEO Is More Than Just SEO-Friendly CMS

So your CMS vendor told you it was SEO friendly and optimized? Don?t be fooled. That isn?t all the SEO you need. Not by a long country mile! They should know (by now) that SEO is not only about code. Google doesn?t look for ?code?, it looks for ?content?.

There are over 200 ranking factors, and algorithms change many times every year. CMS code is just a fraction of the whole. By providing the right framework for your site, an SEO friendly CMS can help. But it takes a lot more to dominate search engines.

Chief among those ?other things? is content. Content is king. The devil is in the detail ? keywords, neighborhood, and your overall marketing mix. Your CMS has little to do with these. You wouldn?t buy a great frying pan and food processor, then hope they?ll magically turn you into a Michelin star chef!

SEO isn?t new. Yet many CEOs and managers haven?t formally been taught the importance of good SEO for online business. Yes, CMS vendors may misguide and mislead. After all, this is a highly technical and sophisticated marketing technology, and if you can?t wrap your head around it, you are not alone.

But if you ask the right questions, you?ll win through in the end.

8. ?SEO Can Multiply Your Impact

How much did it cost to print your visiting cards? Or your marketing brochures? I?ll bet it wasn?t much compared to how much you invested in your website.

Did you carefully proof-read those cards, brochures or flyers before sending them off to the printing agency (or get someone else to review it for you)? I?ll bet you did.

But you didn?t have a search specialist ?proof read? your expensive, infinitely more powerful marketing tool ? your website ? before you launched it!

Would you design and order all those visiting cards and brochures at considerable expense, and then just lock them up in a shelf? Of course not.

By ignoring SEO, that?s exactly what you?re doing with your fancy new website. A website that could have been viewed by thousands of your best prospects and ideal clients. A website that you?re now leaving to the whim and fancy of Google to rank at its will.

Just because you own top of the line printing equipment, would you print your business cards yourself? No, I?m sure you don?t. You probably order them from a professional company with long experience with printing.

SEO is your digital calling card. It can multiply your impact massively by getting your website in front of targeted eyeballs. There?s good reason to have it handled by professionals who know their job.

They will ensure that your website appeals to the right audience, and gets viewed by a wide segment of it, so that your digital visiting card best performs the critical task your business assigned to it ? getting qualified leads and converting them into cash-spending customers.

9. ?SEO Keeps You From Missing Out On Free Advertising

Would you trust another agency to write your door sign, or decide what goes on your visiting card? Will you allow your competitor to design your display ads, or decide who sees your storefront?

If you don?t strategically craft your website?s title tags and meta descriptions, that?s what you?re permitting. And that?s not good for business at all. It?s like leaving ?lorem ipsum? text on your printed marketing materials!

SEO lets you dictate how your business should be featured on search results. If thousands of your prospects are viewing ?random text?, you?re leaving money on the table. You?re letting a wonderful chance to get free advertising slip through your fingers.

The good news is that once you?re aware of this, it?s easy to fix. SEO hands you back the controls, so you can steer your business along the right path.

10. ?SEO Leverages Social Sharing

Are you engaged in social media like Facebook? SEO plays an important role here. Content shared by users on social networks are directly related to SEO specific parameters like title tags and meta descriptions. This is what you see when people share posts and stories on their Wall, Google+ profile, or in a tweet or share.

An SEO strategist will help you manage this process, in collaboration with your marketing and communications department. Through SEO you get to control what people read, think and do on social sites and spread through their networks at the speed of light.

11. ?SEO Will Help People Find Your Website

Your website is the first point of contact with your audience online. It can generate leads, qualify prospects and attract potential new customers, partners or investors.

But unless people can find it, your website is good for nothing. SEO plays an invaluable role here.

No longer is SEO just about ranking a site in search results, getting more clicks and views, or keeping ?bounce rates? optimal. That?s a dangerous misconception. Modern, effective SEO should be rooted in the company?s goals and strategies, and swivels on the psychology of individuals in the target market and segment.

SEO gets your business found, noticed, and loved.

12. ?SEO Goes To The Heart Of Your Business

Great SEO demands more than just coding skills and a search-friendly CMS. It?s no longer something a tech-savvy cousin or well-meaning friend can fix up for you over a weekend, for a couple of beers. Professional SEO is serious business.

SEO is like a heart surgery. If organic search is responsible for more than half of your website?s traffic, SEO lies at the heart of your business. Without a good heart surgeon you could die.

Without a specialist handling your SEO, your business could die. Just as you?d hunt for the best heart surgeon to operate on you, you should seek out the best SEO consultant or strategist, rather than trying to do it yourself!

Whoever is responsible for buying SEO at your company must know that it involves marketing and communication, an understanding of business and economics, strategic thought, and the ability to think outside the box, all the while keeping their focus on the business? overall goals and targets. The individual overseeing your SEO campaigns will become your ?extended marketing manager?, financial advisor and more.

Not everyone can do this. And finding a competent person is hard. To casually hand over this challenging task to an in-house Web developer or designer can be unwise. Even though many Web developers and designers are learning more about SEO, it can be a critical mistake to make SEO a ?second priority? and install it by ticking boxes on a checklist someone handed you at a seminar!

Sure, you may look on it as a way to cut costs. But this not only ?saves you money?, ?it also dramatically lowers your profit potential! This is very common, and I see it often in my practice.

Clients view SEO as ?shelf-ware? and a ?push-button install? that anyone who knows a bit of Web design and HTML coding can fix for them. That?s like using string and duct-tape to fix your car, or your house, when it needs repairs. You?ll risk your safety by doing that. And taking a similar approach to SEO, you?re risking your business (revenue and growth).

13. ?SEO Builds Trust Credibility

SEO can make your brand stronger, better and well recognized. The eventual goal should be that, when people search for business critical and relevant keywords and phrases, they should find you at the top of search results. Then, psychology takes over and prospects will believe that you?re the best.

Your website?s title and meta description tags can telegraph a powerful statement that strengthens your brand, while helping communicate a marketing message that?s in line with your strategic business goals.

Then prospects will believe that you?re the best.

These days, everybody ?Googles it?. If you?re there, right on top of the SERPs, it goes a long way in boosting your credibility. If you?re right where your customers are, at the right moment, with the right solution, you?ll win big.

But being there is only part of the puzzle. You need more. You must get inside the heads of your prospects. Speak their language. Feel their pain. Present them with a solution. Once you do, your credibility with your audience skyrockets.

14. ?SEO Makes You Ubiquitous

We intuitively sense that a #1 ranking indicates top class. An athlete who wins the gold medal is a champion. Silver and bronze winners are runners-up. All the rest are ?also rans?? and no one cares about them!

Search engine rankings are similar.?The top spot on Google SERPs gets 36.4% of all clicks, the #2 spot gets 12.5%, #3 takes 9.5%, and from there it declines quickly. Being at the top of the heap wins you ?front of mind? recall and brand awareness and wins you more sales.

If your website doesn?t pop up on the first page of Google for your business critical keywords and phrases, then it?s? ?Houston, we have a problem!?

On the off-chance that you?re running a healthy business even without good search engine visibility for your high search volume keywords, then imagine how much more money you could make when you rank for them and reach those extra customers and make more sales. Remember? if you?re not there, your competitors are, ready to take your money!

15. ?SEO Helps Build Your Brand

Branding is often complex, costly and chaotic. You throw many things at consumers, hoping enough will stick in their minds and be recalled when it?s time for a purchase. SEO can help accelerate your branding campaign and make you memorable.

When more people visit your site, get familiar with your business, and order from you, then you have more people likely to come back again and tell their friends about you. SEO is an effective way to get this ball rolling, by ranking your website high and attracting a flood of Web traffic.

It can then turn this initial impression into lasting recall through presenting the most relevant and useful information that a visitor is seeking through search engines, thereby earning ?mind share? and securing a lasting place in their heart.

16. ?SEO Is A Long-Term Strategy

SEO can deliver quick results. It can be effective in the short term and help businesses who need results now. And that?s the primary appeal of SEO to certain types of business owners. But SEO has one serious advantage over other marketing with a ?short term? focus? it delivers an ongoing ROI over the long term also.

While PPC and other advertising methods are quick at driving Web traffic, they are also expensive. Also, in the Tamar 2008 Search Attitude report, 91% of survey respondents said they preferred natural search results while looking to buy a product or service online. SEO can ensure you grab these plum spots.

Done correctly, SEO can be long lasting. With proper SEO analysis up front, you can stay on the front page of search results for years, without spending money in the future. Even after you stop your SEO work, your website can still rank high on your chosen keywords, though you?re better off continuing with the services of an SEO consultant or in-house team, or you?ll risk losing your search ranking.

Again, this isn?t an expense, but an investment. A quick and simple calculation will show you how quickly you?ll earn back your investment into effective SEO by way of increased earnings.

17. ?SEO Drives Offline Sales

Good SEO starts with smart purchasing decisions. Today, more sales offline are driven by research initiated on the Web. A WebVisible/Nielsen study in 2008 found that 86% of consumers use the Internet to find local businesses from which to buy offline. Yes, in the store!

It?s why most offline businesses cannot afford to ignore online marketing, and also why SEO forms the cornerstone of every offline company?s digital marketing strategy. Your website acts as a never-resting salesperson, working day and night to deliver qualified leads to your business.

These are people actively seeking out solutions that you offer to their most pressing problems and needs. SEO can bring many more of them to your virtual doorstep, for your business to enamor, service and delight.

18. ?SEO Attracts Relevant Traffic With High Conversion Potential

SEO is highly targeted, down to minor details. Using keyword analysis, you can find just how big a ?market? is, how many people are searching for that exact keyword, how competitive the arena is (in SERPs), and with some keen deductive reasoning, even identify the intent behind keyword searches.

It?s not all intuitive and obvious, and the devil is in the details. That?s why having an insightful SEO consultant can generate huge returns on your marketing dollars spent on optimization.

Web traffic from a good SEO campaign has high conversion potential. And by correctly tapping into ?searcher intent?, addressing your audience?s concerns and problems, building trust, and convincing prospects that your company is the right one to do business with, you can enjoy a high rate of visitor-to-sales conversion that?s the envy of your industry.

For example, a well-planned SEO campaign for a hotel will reach potential customers looking to take a vacation, lead them to your website, and to the right section that addresses exactly what they?re looking for. In this way, SEO acts like a hybrid of a guide, receptionist, concierge, marketing executive and salesperson.

Without SEO, finding your website in the tourism industry will be hunting for a needle in a haystack. Without fully understanding the intent behind your visitor?s search and their unique and individual needs, the chances of losing the prospect forever is high. Getting them both right means more visitors, and more sales.

19. ?SEO Is Measurable Marketing

Every element of your SEO can be measured, evaluated and corrected. By doing this continuously, you can find out your return on every SEO dollar invested.

20. Your SEO Consultant Is A ?Secret Weapon?

A professional SEO consultant will be a great asset in developing your business. Your SEO consultant can find lucrative keywords and niches with great ROI where you can make money easily, carry out detailed market research and competitive analysis, and help you build content to pull in traffic that will close big deals for you.

A skilled SEO consultant can run in-depth analyses of your business competitors, study their strategy, and more. Your consultant can mock up a ?war? and test your strategies in battle against your competition? and if those computations work in your favor, it?s time to go to war!

It can also show you if the strategy is ineffective or the competition too well entrenched to unseat. This will save you money and time wasted in pursuing ownership of that keyword or niche, leaving you to focus energy on more profitable areas. Such market pre-analysis can be priceless to the right company or business.

Remember what Al Ries and Jack Trout highlight in their timeless book, ?Marketing Warfare? ? Marketing is a war! And just as you won?t think about going to war without conventional weapons, you can?t enter a competitive market armed only with a tommy gun!

At the same time, using old fashioned weaponry will only prolong the suffering and lead to an inevitable defeat. You need powerful, state of art, effective weapons to win. And in the digital battleground, cutting-edge SEO will give you an edge.

21. ?SEO Is Cost Effective

Over years, SEO has been proven to be one of the most cost effective forms of online marketing, delivering a higher return for every dollar invested into it over time.

Your Web hosting, design and content creation expenses are similar, whether your site is visited by one hundred people, one thousand, or one million.

You pay the same for each visitor to your website, whether they join your list, buy your product or interact with your brand.

Your marketing costs are identical whether one visitor in a thousand buys from you, or one in a hundred, or one in every five.

Effective SEO can attract thousands, even millions of targeted prospects to your business website, and increase your conversion rates by delivering the exact solution to problems they are facing.

Better still, the ongoing effect and impact of SEO continues far beyond the time you invest into a campaign, because the momentum will sustain for many weeks, often years, making SEO very cost efficient as a marketing choice.

22. ?SEO Can Be Outsourced To Run Hands-Free

An SEO company will work 24/7 with SEO, all year long. That?s what gives them an edge over hobbyists. They are up to date with the newest algorithm changes, negative and positive ranking factors, and know what?s needed right now while being proficient at predicting what will be needed in the future.

Also, an SEO company will get the work done faster because they have dedicated teams executing your plan, and will get you to your financial and business targets earlier. Buying cheap SEO services will apparently save you money upfront, but it will also hold you back from making a lot of money. In SEO, there is a pretty good correlation between investment and revenue.

Giving your SEO consultant enough time and the right mandate will add value to other parts of your marketing. It?s how you?ll sow and reap synergies across all your business building activities.

In SEO, there is a pretty good correlation between investment and revenue.

23. ?SEO Can Be Made To Work For You

Yes, even if it didn?t work for you before, SEO can be tweaked and twisted into a form that benefits your business. I?ve heard it so often from clients that I simply ignore that objection and offer to prove my point through an inexpensive test.

Most often, the reason why SEO didn?t work is because the company invested too little time or money or resource into it. To blame SEO after neglecting it, not doing it properly, or simply fearing it as ?something new? is unfair.

Assuming you did everything right in your implementation of SEO, it could have failed through improper planning. In SEO, failing to plan is planning to fail. That?s why it is important to assign a budget, study the market and search volumes, analyze the competitiveness and anchor your SEO campaign to business goals and strategy. This will prevent the campaign from going off the track.

An expert SEO consultant will steer you away from markets that are too small, competition that is too tough, or where revenue potential is tiny.

You?ll avoid wasting time and money chasing after the wrong targets, like more traffic that won?t convert, or higher rankings that don?t deliver the right prospects. Guesswork can lead to painful and costly surprises. SEO strategy eliminates these surprises and provides constant, reliable results.

24. ?SEO Can Convince Even Skeptics

If you?re not quite sure if SEO can deliver on the promise, you can have your SEO consultant simulate or forecast both expenses and projected income before you invest big money into it. Your simulation report will cover competition analysis, market size studies, trends and future predictions, and more data that will help you make an informed decision.

This simulation can be done in a short time (maybe just a few hours, depending on the size of your business, the nature of your service or product, and the competition in your marketplace) and will laser focus your SEO campaign where it will give you the most bang for your buck.

Equally important, it will be great insurance against investing in non-lucrative strategies and tactics. In a marketing war, you cannot afford to squander precious (and limited) resources on wasteful initiatives.? Don?t risk it!

25. ?SEO Provides Endless Opportunity

SEO is a continuous process. It?s like the machinery you use to drill for oil, or mine for gold. You?ll need more powerful equipment if you are to go through granite or hard rock, your engines will require frequent maintenance, and the drill-bit may get worn out and need replacing from time to time.

Your SEO is just the same. It will need constant tweaks, reviews and shifts to keep it moving in the right direction, so that it continues to deliver stellar results.

Sometimes the ground may be so hard that you need diamond-tipped drills to break through. And yes, diamond drill-bits are more expensive. But as long as research shows the presence of a vein of gold, or a large reservoir of oil, the drilling must proceed if riches are to be tapped.

In the same way, in tough markets, the SEO you need might be more expensive because of tougher competition. Yet the ?hidden treasure? you?re seeking will be more precious, making it worth mining for. Research and analysis by expert SEO advisors can tell you if there?s a gold mine there or not.

That?s how your investment in expensive SEO consultants pays off. At first, they may look bad on your budget sheet, because they appear as a ?cost?. But if the impact of their research is to correctly guide you to the most profitable niches and avenues to mine for wealth and profit, then it will multiply your modest investment ten times over, or more!

Good SEO is like a fine-tuned engine. Unless you take good care, it won?t be able to keep going and will burn out. When you embark upon an SEO driven strategy, be prepared to hunker down for a long fight. You?ll take some hits along the way, but you?ll throw harder punches and score more wins. Eventually, that?s what matters.

26. ?SEO Beats Paid Traffic

Maybe you already use Google Adwords (or other PPC advertising) very successfully. Even so, it?s paradoxical that SEO, which drives 75% of search traffic, garners less than 15% of an average SEM marketing budget, while PPC that provides barely 25% earns 80% of it.

An exclusive focus on PPC ignores the large hidden component of the iceberg that?s search traffic. Just think about it. If dominating the source of one-quarter of overall traffic gives you such excellent rewards, how much better will they get when you also control the rest?

27. ?SEO Is Rooted In User Intent

Where many forms of online marketing are based interrupting a prospect with a sales pitch, SEO is aligned with the intent of a searcher, meeting your audience halfway with a relevant, targeted message that appeals to their interest and delivers a solution they are already seeking.

Being there with the right information and facts may prevent dissemination of myths and false information, become valuable in reputation management, and build a stronger brand.

Good SEO fits the various types of search intent, including:

  • Navigational
  • Informational
  • Transactional
  • Commercial

In that respect, SEO is able to generate the highest conversion rate of any targeted digital marketing initiative, which is what makes SEO a high return effort.

Quick, cheap SEO is ineffective and has little lasting value, but healthy SEO costs more but has a longer term impact.

28. ?SEO Helps You Capitalize On Weak Competition

SEO can let you reap what your competitors sow! When your competition has a smaller marketing budget, they will make mistakes (or overlook opportunities). Good SEO can help you take advantage of these weaknesses. This makes SEO a smart move for small and medium sized businesses in competitive branches.

Take the case of clueless marketing campaigns that run expensive TV commercials, mass media display advertising, billboards and the like. These ads serve to activate interest in the market niche, in general, or broadly in a product or service category. Usually the company developing these ads are unconnected with search marketing divisions. This leaves a wide open hole for you to fill.

A study by market research firm Ipsos OTX based on a survey of 5,000 US smart phone users found that 71% of users search because of an ad they?ve seen online or offline. When interested people turn to search engines for more information, you can use SEO to position yourself to harvest the traffic.

This is like casting a fish net into waters that are teeming with sea-life and hauling back a rich catch!

The approach does not involve sneaky or stealthy practices such as targeting other business? brand names. No. These are generic keyword searches sparked off by mass advertising and you can target this traffic through an intelligent mix of organic SEO and pay-per-click ad campaigns (because these are often faster and instant in impact).

The Business Case For SEO

Hopefully, these compelling reasons have convinced you about the value and benefits of an integrated SEO strategy in growing your business and taking your company to new heights of profitability, branding and success.

SEO is like music. The foundations haven?t changed much since the inception. But the application of SEO has evolved over time. I?ve traced some of this complex journey in my article called How Much Does SEO Cost?

On a personal note, I don?t believe a discussion about which marketing tactic is ?the best? is of much value. As business owners, CEOs and managers, what we need to focus on is how to reach the best result by talking and working together. We?ll do ourselves a huge favor by not arguing over the most effective technique, but instead exploring how we can successfully integrate the best mix and exploit it to the fullest potential in growing business and revenues.

One last thing to keep in mind. Handing someone a guitar doesn?t mean they?ll start playing great music. If you want great music, hire a rock star. If you want top notch SEO, hire SEO Rock Stars.? Then give them the budget they need to deliver great results.

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Opinions expressed in the article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land.

Related Topics: All Things SEO

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

health and fitness center: Health and Fitness Article Category

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History of mental health - HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS

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Urban Art Show @ Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center ...

Through May 26

Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center
1860 Mellwood Ave. ? 895-3650

Just as Mellwood itself blossomed in the frame of the old Fischer Meat Packing Co., their newest exhibition illustrates just how well art and infrastructure cohabit. Austin, Texas, artist Chris Chappell understands this concept well, as his murals, which depict the reality of human life and the duality of joy and tragedy, can be seen throughout Louisville, notably in the lobby of the already-artsy Water Tower. This is the first-ever iteration of the hopefully annual metropolis-themed exhibit, which features artists from Louisville who are ?with it? enough to showcase our scene, as well as some other hip cats from around the country. Mellwood?s own Crissa Candler hosted the opening on April 19 and is still the go-to for any exhibit-related inquiries. ?Simon Isham

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Romney keeps media at bay as he sticks to script

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after speaking at a campaign stop, Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after speaking at a campaign stop, Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after speaking at a campaign stop, Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks to reporters after boarding the charter airplane, Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at a campaign stop, Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) ? Mitt Romney is trying harder than ever these days to stay on script ? and keep his traveling national press corps at arm's length.

The latest clash came Wednesday when aides to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee blocked the reporters who cover Romney daily from asking him questions at the "rope line" separating him and his supporters.

The incident was a prime example of the pattern of tense interactions with the press that have marked the Romney campaign for months. The candidate often seems eager to chat about mundane things ? the food on the charter airplane, whether he has a lucky tie ? with a press corps he's come to know well and readily recognizes.

But his staff frequently limits access to a candidate known for making awkward, if not politically troublesome, statements during unscripted moments ? and Romney very rarely answers challenging questions on the issues of the day as he campaigns.

"You have some work to do here," Romney told reporters on his campaign plane, waving at a basket of snacks as he selected a package of Grandma's Vanilla Cream sandwich cookies.

But asked a question about Vice President Joe Biden's attacks on his record at Bain Capital during a speech in Ohio, the former Massachusetts governor simply said: "No interviews."

Instead, Romney did a lengthy interview with Ed Morrissey, a conservative blogger.

It's a window into how he might conduct himself as president. After he was elected governor of Massachusetts, for example, Romney closed off a set of public elevators in the Boston statehouse and prohibited press access to the lobby outside the governor's office. The area was previously open to the press, and his successor, Gov. Deval Patrick, re-opened the elevator and the lobby after he took office.

Wednesday's incident came after Romney delivered brief remarks to Florida supporters and walked over to where supporters were cordoned off and waiting to meet him. A group of reporters left an area designated for the media and tried to get within earshot of Romney when a campaign staffer put out her arms to keep reporters from walking past her.

After a brief standoff, reporters from a number of national outlets circumvented the staffers and moved close enough to hear Romney.

A few hours later, Romney's campaign acknowledged a mistake.

"This was an error on the part of the campaign staff and volunteers. We have reminded them that press is allowed on the rope line to record the governor's interactions with voters," spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in a statement.

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan, making clear the agency wasn't responsible for the policy, said: "The Secret Service does not restrict movement of the press into a general public area or their movement within the general public area."

Rope lines are a staple of political campaigns, but a candidate's presence there can lead to some memorable moments ? and Romney has sometimes been candid in such situations. As Democrats marked the anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden, Romney told traveling reporters that "even Jimmy Carter" would have made that decision ? a sharp quip that the campaign later softened as they muted their criticism of the Obama team's focus on the occasion.

And earlier this year, Romney was on a rope line during the Daytona 500 when an Associated Press reporter asked him about his familiarity with the sport.

"I have some friends who are NASCAR team owners," he said, a comment that later drew criticism from Democrats seeking to cast him as out of touch.

Trying to control a campaign's message isn't unique to Romney's campaign. White House reporters traveling with Obama sometimes are limited in how they can approach the president on a rope line. Still, reporters are able to observe Obama interacting with voters on airport tarmacs when he walks over to greet waiting crowds.

Obama often doesn't answer questions on rope lines, though he sometimes will chat with reporters. He recently told some that he won a basketball game he played with actors George Clooney and Tobey Maguire. The president prefers taking questions in formal interview settings.

Romney rarely does interviews with print media, preferring conservative broadcast outlets. He also regularly tapes interviews with local TV and radio reporters when he visits different states. But he doesn't often allow himself to be grilled by the reporters who know him and his record best and who tend to ask the toughest questions.

The campaign also limits opportunities to watch Romney interact with voters. It says he regularly meets with middle-class families before events, but those meetings always take place in private. The campaign does not release the names of those attending.

His campaign insists that almost all interactions between reporters and campaign staff be either anonymous or completely off the record. And he's only just now starting to allow his traveling press corps to share his campaign plane regularly. News organizations that travel with presidential candidates pay their own way, including plane fare, meals, hotels and other expenses, often thousands of dollars per day.

His aides are tight-lipped on even the most mundane issues, like travel logistics. And they are visibly averse to allowing the candidate to step into unscripted situations.

Even Romney finds a little humor in the sometimes tense relationship. While talking to reporters at the rear of his plane recently, Romney looked a few rows back at Rick Gorka, his traveling press secretary. "Rick is about to pass out. Gorka is," he said with a laugh and added, as if speaking for Gorka, "'What are you doing?'"

Gorka responded by waving his hand in a "wrap it up" motion.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blue Lake Rancheria Business Entity Sued by Washington Insurance

Here is the complaint in Kriedler v. Mainstay Business Solutions (W.D. Wash.):

Kriedler Complaint

An excerpt:

7. Cascade National at all relevant times was a domestic stock insurance company holding a Certificate of Authority to operate in the State of Washington as a property and casualty insurer pursuant to Chapter 48.05 RCW. Cascade National also held a license issued by the State of California Department of Insurance to write workers? compensation insurance policies for coverage in California, subject to the insurance laws and regulations of California.

8. Mainstay was at all relevant times engaged in business as a professional employer organization (?PEO?) in the State of California. A PEO, also referred to as a labor contractor, provides human resources/personnel services to its clients who are typically small to medium-sized businesses. The PEO technically ?employs? its clients? workforces who continue to work at the clients? businesses. The PEO provides various human resources and personnel services on behalf of its clients, including payroll and benefits administration, health and workers? compensation insurance programs, and other similar services. Providing workers? compensation insurance coverage for the clients? workforce is a major component and marketing factor for a PEO to obtain clients because the PEO can often obtain more favorable rates because it is able to pool many clients? workforces into a substantially larger pool of employees.

9. On July 1, 2004, Cascade National and Mainstay entered into a written letter agreement (the ?Agreement?) by which Cascade National would provide statutory workers? compensation insurance coverage to Mainstay in the State of California for the clients and workplace employees of Mainstay?s PEO operations.

10. The workers? compensation insurance provided to Mainstay by Cascade National is a high-deductible policy. The deductible was $1 million per claim. Under the Agreement, Cascade National is required to initially pay all claims to injured workers from the first date of injury and the first dollar of coverage, and Mainstay is required to repay or reimburse Cascade National for all those claims payments within the deductible amount. To secure performance by Mainstay, a $500,000 deposit and a Letter of Credit in the amount of $1,500,000 were provided by Mainstay, among other requirements.

11. The Agreement also requires Mainstay to remit to Cascade National on a weekly basis various sums for the ?deductible premium,? taxes and assessments, and for incurred claims, including paid loss and loss adjustment expenses and estimated ultimate unpaid loss and loss adjustment expenses.

12. The Agreement further provides that Cascade National, in its sole and complete discretion, is to determine the amount of the reserves to be paid over to Cascade National by Mainstay for losses and loss adjustment expenses. The required reserves are expressly defined in the Agreement as the greater of the estimated ultimate unpaid loss and loss adjustment expenses as calculated by Cascade National?s appointed actuary, and any applicable loss and loss adjustment expense reserves required by a regulator. Under the Agreement, Mainstay is required to pay to Cascade the full amount of these calculated, required reserves.

13. The workers? compensation insurance policy coverage provided by Cascade National became effective on July 1, 2004. On March 28, 2005, Mainstay gave a ?notice of cancellation? of the policy retroactively effective on March 1, 2005. The policy covers all workers? compensation injuries which occurred during that policy period, including all on-{1479039.DOCX;} going expenses, claims and costs arising from those covered injuries which are incurred after March 1, 2005 and for as long as the claim remains open. Cascade National is continually obligated to pay all ongoing expenses and losses for every worker injury which occurred during the policy period; and Mainstay is continually obligated to pay and reimburse Cascade National for all such claims. The obligation of Mainstay to pay Cascade National under the Agreement continues as long as Cascade National is required to pay out on workers? compensation claims for injuries which occurred during the policy period.

14. Cascade National has provided all the insurance coverage as agreed and required under the Agreement. Cascade National has paid, and during receivership has continued to pay and be obligated to the California Insurance Guaranty Association for all claims payments for the Mainstay coverage. Over the course of the coverage, the amount charged and payable by Mainstay to Cascade National totals $18,887,657, including the calculated premium plus paid losses (i.e. paid losses and loss adjustment expense), and reserves (i.e. unpaid losses and loss adjustment expense) as of the last actuarial analysis as of December 31, 2011. Mainstay has paid or been credited with $14,204,128, leaving a balance due from Mainstay to Cascade National of $4,683,529 as of the last actuarial analysis as of December 31, 2011.

15. Receiver has made numerous written demands to Mainstay for payment pursuant to the Agreement and has provided detailed itemized support and actuarial analysis supporting the amounts due and owing beginning in mid-2009 through 2011. The amount due as of the actuarial study as of December 31, 2011, is now $4,683,529, which amount consists of (a) $155,981 in Stipulated Deductible Premium; (b) $6,333,131 in Paid Losses and Allocated Loss Adjustment Expense (?ALAE?); (c) $703,613 in Case Reserves Losses and ALAE; (d) $720,264 in Unallocated Loss Adjustment Expense (?ULAE?) Reserves; and (e) a credit or surplus of $3,229,460 for Incurred But Not Reported (?IBNR?) Losses and ALAE. 16. Demand has been made to Mainstay and it has failed to pay over to Cascade National the on-going and continuing amounts due as required under the Agreement.


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Ancient sea reptile with gammy jaw suggests dinosaurs got arthritis too

ScienceDaily (May 15, 2012) ? Imagine having arthritis in your jaw bones ... if they're over 2 meters long! A new study by scientists at the University of Bristol has found signs of a degenerative condition similar to human arthritis in the jaw of a pliosaur, an ancient sea reptile that lived 150 million years ago. Such a disease has never been described before in fossilized Jurassic reptiles.

The Bristol scientists studied a giant specimen of the pliosaur Pliosaurus dating from the Upper Jurassic. Found in Westbury, Wiltshire, it has been kept since its discovery in the collections of the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.

The 8 metre long pliosaur was a terrifying creature with a large, crocodile-like head, a short neck, whale-like body and four powerful flippers to propel it through water in pursuit of prey.

With its huge jaws and 20 cm long teeth, it would have been capable of ripping most other marine reptiles or dinosaurs to pieces, but this particular individual was the unfortunate victim of an arthritis-like disease.

University of Bristol scientist, Dr Judyth Sassoon, was fascinated by the specimen when she saw it in the museum's collections and studied it for her MSc research project.

She soon noticed that it had the signs of a degenerative condition similar to human arthritis, that had eroded its left jaw joint, displacing the lower jaw to one side. This animal evidently lived with a crooked jaw for many years, because there are marks on the bone of the lower jaw where the teeth from the upper jaw impacted on the bone during feeding. Clearly the animal was still able to hunt in spite of its unfortunate condition.

There are several signs on the skeleton to suggest that the animal could have been an old female who had developed the condition as part of the aging process. The pliosaur's large size, and the fused skull bones, suggest maturity. It is identified, very tentatively, as possibly female because its skull crest is quite low -- presumed males had a higher crest.

Dr Judyth Sassoon said: "In the same way that aging humans develop arthritic hips, this old lady developed an arthritic jaw, and survived with her disability for some time. But an unhealed fracture on the jaw indicates that at some time the jaw weakened and eventually broke. With a broken jaw, the pliosaur would not have been able to feed and that final accident probably led to her demise."

Pliosaurs were probably pursuit or ambush predators, feeding on fish, squid and other marine reptiles but would also have been capable of scavenging. They were at the top of their food chains, so there would not have been any predators to take advantage of an aging, disabled pliosaur -- except for another pliosaur.

Professor Mike Benton, a collaborator on the project, said: "You can see these kinds of deformities in living animals, such as crocodiles or sperm whales and these animals can survive for years as long as they are still able to feed. But it must be painful. Remember that the fictional whale, Moby Dick from Herman Melville's novel, was supposed to have had a crooked jaw!"

The pliosaur from Westbury is an amazing example of how the study of disease (palaeopathologies) in fossil animals can help us to reconstruct an extinct animal's life history and behavior and to show that even a Jurassic killer could succumb to the diseases of old age.

The research was published May 16 in the palaeontological journal, Palaeontology.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bristol.

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What does Mitt Romney's new ad say about his strategy? (+video)

Don't look for Mitt Romney in his new ad, 'Silence.' It's all about being jobless and 'suffering in silence.' The Romney teamwants to keep the focus on 'the Obama economy.'

How does Mitt Romney want persuadable voters to think about the upcoming presidential election? Yes, we know he?s emphasizing the economy, and putting voters back to work, and so forth. What we?re getting at here is the sort of emotional context the Romney camp hopes will prevail among the swing electorate in November.

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As it happens, we think Mr. Romney?s latest campaign ad, titled ?Silence,? is a pretty good guide to what might be his overall strategy here. So as the late great Washington sportscaster George Michael used to say, ?Let?s go to the videotape!?

The ad begins with "CBS Evening News" anchor Scott Pelley saying, ?Tonight, new evidence the economic recovery is slowing." Then it moves swiftly, cutting between clips of reporters bemoaning the state of the job market and short bursts of President Obama giving a speech.

The Obama appearances are so brief as to be mere impressions. At one point you hear him say, ?Ask if you?re better off than you were before..."

Then the montage accelerates, and the kind of rising music featured in horror movie trailers comes up. You hear only phrases ? ?We?re not seeing a ton of sunshine,? and so forth. Just as the tension peaks, we see not a slasher attack but Mr. Obama again, this time saying, ?It?s not just how we?re doing today. It?s how we?ll be doing tomorrow."

Boom. Halfway through the ad, the music and the clips stop.

?Today, millions of Americans are suffering in silence,? comes on the screen in large white letters.

What follows is a succession of quotes, interposed over shots of people looking very worried, in dead silence.

?Job growth not nearly fast enough to recover from the Great Recession,? says one quote. ?More than 340,000 workers dropped out of the labor force,? says another.

The ad ends with this: ?This is the Obama economy. It isn?t working.?

For those of you who don?t obsess over this sort of thing frame-by-frame, as if it were an ?Avengers? outtake, we?ll make a couple of Politics 101 points.

Where's Mitt? Challengers generally want elections to be referendums on the incumbent. They themselves are simply the replacement, a relief pitcher out of sight in the bullpen, waiting to be called. That?s why there?s lots of Obama in this ad, but no pictures of a certain former Massachusetts governor. The only Romney reference comes at the end, when his last name appears in small type as having paid for the message.

How are you feeling right now? Romney might be better off if voters cast ballots based on their emotions of the moment. He likely would get more support from folks who are worried about their present circumstances ? after all, the unemployment rate is at a daunting 8.1 percent. Millions of Americans who still have jobs go to bed at night worried about losing them. That?s why this ad ratchets up the anxiety level ? or reminds voters of how high their anxiety level already is.

In contrast, Obama wants voters to think about a longer time frame. His message could be summed up as something along the lines of, ?Remember how bad it was back when I took this job? I inherited a mess, and it?s getting better. Let?s not change horses in the middle of the race.?

Generally speaking, it?s the employment trend line, not the absolute unemployment rate, that matters most in presidential elections. It remains to be seen whether the current ?meh? job growth numbers will generate enough optimism among voters to convince them to give the incumbent another chance.

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Editor's desk: On rumors and podcasts

With both mother's day and a birthday in the family this weekend, I didn't have time to compile my usual weekly column. But there a few things I'd like to comment on and draw your attention to. So let's dive right in.

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